Tivoli Audio Portable Media Storage Version 3 Release 7 User Manual |
Tivoli Storage
Version 3 Release 7
Tivoli Storage
Version 3 Release 7
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the
general information under “Notices” on page 1383.
This publication is also available in a softcopy form that can be viewed with the
IBM BookManager READ licensed program or the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Second Edition (April 2000)
This edition applies to Version 3 Release 7 of the Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX , AS/400,
HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Windows NT (5697-TSM and 5697-DRM); MVS and OS/390
(5697-TSO and 5697-DRO); Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Notes (5697-DPN), Tivoli Data
Protection for Oracle (5697-DPO), Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL (5697-DPS),
Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange (5697-DPX), Tivoli Space Manager
(5697-SPM) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new
Order publications through your sales representative or the branch office serving your
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and high-quality
information. If you have comments about this book or any other Tivoli Storage Manager
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993, 2000. All rights
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA
ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Softcopy Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Referenced Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Software Developer’s Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Tivoli Storage Manager Web site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Understanding Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Internet and IBMLink Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
(0100–0199) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089
Version 3 Release 7
(0200–0479) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
(1053–3999). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151
(5000–5999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
(6000–6999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1225
(7000–7999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1227
(8000–8499) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233
(0900–0999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
(0500–0599) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379
Programming Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1386
Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1407
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1409
Version 3 Release 7
Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) is a client/server program that
provides storage management services to customers in a multivendor
computer environment. TSM provides an automated, centrally
scheduled, policy-managed backup, archive, and space management
facility for file servers and workstations.
This publication contains explanations and suggested actions for
messages issued by the Tivoli Storage Manager server program for
storage management services, the administrative client graphical user
interface, administrative command line client, and backup-archive
Messages Not Appearing in This Publication
Message numbers in the range ANR0100–0120, and any with 9999
are not published in this manual. They are considered severe errors
and should be recorded and included in a problem report when
contacting the service representative. The following messages are not
published in this manual:
AIX Specific MVS Specific Windows NT HP-UX
Sun Solaris
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
AIX Specific MVS Specific Windows NT HP-UX
Specific Specific
Sun Solaris
Message number ANR7831I and numbers in the range
ANR7900–8199 are AS/400® platform specific messages and are not
publised in this manual. You can obtain the explanation for these
messages using AS/400 commands such as WRKMSGD to get to the
"″Work with Message Descriptions″ panel. The unpublished
messages are:
ANR7831I ANR7918I ANR7937I ANR7980E ANR7998E ANR8066E ANR8124E
ANR7900E ANR7919E ANR7938E ANR7981E ANR7999E ANR8067E ANR8125E
ANR7901E ANR7920E ANR7939E ANR7982E ANR8050E ANR8068E ANR8126I
ANR7902E ANR7921E ANR7940E ANR7983E ANR8051I ANR8069E ANR8127E
ANR7903E ANR7922E ANR7941E ANR7984E ANR8052I ANR8070E ANR8128E
ANR7904E ANR7923E ANR7943E ANR7985I ANR8053I ANR8071E ANR8129E
ANR7905E ANR7924E ANR7944E ANR7986E ANR8054E ANR8072E ANR8130E
ANR7906E ANR7925E ANR7946I ANR7987I ANR8055I ANR8095E ANR8131E
ANR7907E ANR7926E ANR7947I ANR7988I ANR8056E ANR8100I ANR8132E
ANR7908E ANR7927E ANR7950E ANR7989E ANR8057E ANR8101E ANR8133W
ANR7909E ANR7928E ANR7951E ANR7990E ANR8058E ANR8102E ANR8134W
ANR7910I ANR7930I ANR7952E ANR7991E ANR8059E ANR8103I ANR8135E
ANR7911I ANR7931I ANR7955I ANR7992E ANR8060E ANR8110I ANR8136I
ANR7912S ANR7932I ANR7959E ANR7993I ANR8061E ANR8111I ANR8137I
ANR7913S ANR7933I ANR7960E ANR7994I ANR8062E ANR8120I ANR8138I
ANR7914E ANR7934I ANR7961E ANR7995I ANR8063E ANR8121I ANR8139I
ANR7915E ANR7935I ANR7962E ANR7996E ANR8064E ANR8122I ANR8140E
ANR7916E ANR7936I ANR7963E ANR7997E ANR8065E ANR8123I ANR8141I
Version 3 Release 7
Message numbers in the range ANE4000–4999 are client event
logging messages. These messages (or events) are sent to the server
for distribution to various event logging receivers. The client may
send statistics to the server providing information about a backup or
restore. These statistics are informational and self-explanatory
messages that may be enabled or disabled to the various event
logging receivers. The following messages are not published in this
ANE4950 ANE4951 ANE4952 ANE4953 ANE4954 ANE4955 ANE4956
ANE4957 ANE4958 ANE4959 ANE4960 ANE4961 ANE4962 ANE4963
ANE4964 ANE4965 ANE4966 ANE4967 ANE4968 ANE4969 ANE4985
ANE4986 ANE4990 ANE4991 ANE4992 ANE4993 ANE4994
Note: You may receive other messages that are not documented in
this manual. Those messages may have been created after this
manual was published. Use the online help facility to display
the help text specific to the message.
Softcopy Publications
For the AIX® and Windows NT® operating systems, softcopy TSM
publications are included with the TSM product code.
The TSM library is available in softcopy on the following
MVS Collection Kit
VM Collection Kit
OS/390 Collection Kit
Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Tivoli Storage Manager Publications
The following table list TSM server publications.
Publication Title
Order Number
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Tivoli Storage Management Products License
Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX Quick Start
Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX Administrator’s Guide GC35-0368
Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Manager, S/390 Edition Licensed
Program Specifications
Tivoli Storage Manager for MVS and OS/390 Quick
Tivoli Storage Manager for MVS and OS/390
Administrator’s Guide
Tivoli Storage Manager for MVS and OS/390
Administrator’s Reference
Tivoli Storage Management Products License
Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Quick Start
Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Management Products License
Tivoli Storage Manager for HP-UX Quick Start
Tivoli Storage Manager for HP-UX Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Manager for HP-UX Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Management Products License
Version 3 Release 7
Publication Title
Order Number
Tivoli Storage Manager for AS/400 Quick Start
Tivoli Storage Manager for AS/400 Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Manager for AS/400 Administrator’s
Tivoli Storage Management Products License
Tivoli Storage Manager for Sun Solaris Quick Start
Tivoli Storage Manager for Sun Solaris Administrator’s GC35-0374
Tivoli Storage Manager for Sun Solaris Administrator’s GC35-0375
The following table list the TSM client publications.
Publication Title
Order Number
Tivoli Space Manager for UNIX Using the Hierarchical SH26-4098
Storage Management Clients
Tivoli Storage Manager for Macintosh Using the
Backup-Archive Client
Tivoli Storage Manager for UNIX Using the
Backup-Archive Clients
Tivoli Storage Manager for OS/2 Using the
Backup-Archive Client
Tivoli Storage Manager for Netware Using the
Backup-Archive Client
Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Using the
Backup-Archive Client
Tivoli Storage Manager Installing the Clients
Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Reference for the
Backup-Archive Clients
Tivoli Storage Manager Trace Facility Guide
Tivoli Storage Manager Using the Application Program SH26-4107
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Publication Title
Order Number
Tivoli Storage Manager AFS/DFS Backup Clients
The following table list Tivoli Data Protection publications.
Publication Title
Tivoli Data Protection for Informix Installation and User’s
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino, S/390 Edition
Licensed Program Specifications
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino, S/390 Edition Memo GH26-4094
to Licensees
Program Directory for Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus
Domino, S/390 Edition
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino for UNIX Installation SH26-4088
and User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino for Windows NT
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Notes on AIX Installation and SH26-4067
User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Notes on Windows NT
Installation and User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server
Installation and User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Installation
and User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle for UNIX Installation and
User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle for Windows NT Installation SH26-4113
and User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for SAP R/3 Version 2.4 Installation
and User’s Guide
Tivoli Data Protection for SAP R/3 Version 2.7 Installation
and User’s Guide
Version 3 Release 7
Publication Title
Tivoli Data Protection for Workgroups for Windows NT User’s GC35-0359
Tivoli Data Protection for Workgroups for NetWare User’s
Related AS/400 System Publications
The following table lists related AS/400 publications.
Publication Title
Order Number
OS/400 CL Reference
AS/400 Local Device Configuration
AS/400 Publications Reference
AS/400 Automated Tape Library Planning and
OS/400 Work Management
Backup Recovery and Media Services for OS/400
OS/400 Backup and Recovery – Basic
OS/400 Backup and Recovery – Advanced
OS/400 Communications Configuration
OS/400 Remote Work Station Support
Referenced MVS System Publications
The following table list referenced MVS publications.
Publication Title
Order Number
RACF Security Administrator’s Guide
DFSMS/MVS DFSMSrmm Implementation and
Customization Guide
DFSMS/MVS DFSMSrmm Guide and Reference
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Related IBM® Hardware Products Publications
The following table lists related IBM hardware products
Order Number
IBM 3490 Magnetic Tape Subsystem Enhanced
Capability Models E01 and E11 User’s Guide
IBM SCSI Tape Drive, Medium Changer, and Library
Device Drivers: Installation and User’s Guide
IBM 3494 Tape Library Dataserver Operator’s Guide
IBM Magstar 3590 Tape Subsystem Operator’s Guide
IBM 3495 Tape Library Dataserver Models L20, L30,
L40, and L50 Operator’s Guide
IBM 3570 Magstar MP Tape Subsystem Operator’s
IBM International Technical Support Center
Publications (Redbooks)
The International Technical Support Center (ITSC) publishes
redbooks, which are books on specialized topics such as using TSM
to back up databases. You can order publications through your IBM
representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. You
can also search for and order books of interest to you by visiting the
IBM Redbooks home page on the World Wide Web at this address:
Referenced Publications
The following table lists other publications referenced in this
MVS/ESA Programming: Authorized Assembler Services
Version 3 Release 7
IBM 3494 Tape Library Dataserver User’s Guide: Media
Library Device Driver for AS/400
MVS/DFP V3R3 Macro Instructions for Data Sets
IBM Local Area Network Technical Reference
LAN Technical Reference IEEE 802.2 & NETBIOS APIs
AS/400 System API Reference
Software Developer’s Program
The IBM Storage Systems Division (SSD) Software Developer’s
Program provides a range of services to software developers who
want to use the TSM application program interface (API).
Information about the SSD Software Developer’s Program is
available in the SSD Software Developer’s Program Information
To obtain the Software Developer’s Program Information Package:
1. Call 800-4-IBM-SSD (800-442-6773). Outside the U.S.A., call
2. Listen for the Storage Systems Division Software Developer’s
Program prompt.
3. Request the Software Developer’s Program Information Package.
Tivoli Storage Manager Web site
All TSM publications are available on the TSM home page on the
World Wide Web at the following address:
By accessing the TSM home page, you can access subjects that
interest you. You can also keep up-to-date with the newest TSM
product information.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Do You Have Comments or Suggestions?
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate
and high-quality information. If you have comments or suggestions
for improving this publication, you can send us comments
electronically by using these addressess:
Internet: [email protected]
Fax from U.S. and Canada: 520 799-2906
Fax from other countries: (1) 520 799-2906
You can also mail your comments to:
International Business Machines Corporation
Information Development, Department 61C
9000 South Rita Road
Tucson, Arizona 85744-0001, U.S.A.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive
right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes
appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Selected TSM publications have been translated into languages other
than American English. Contact your service representative for more
information about the translated publications and whether these
translations are available in your country.
Version 3 Release 7
Summary of Changes for Tivoli Storage Manager
This section summarizes changes made to the Tivoli Storage
Manager product and this publication. Refer to the Tivoli Storage
Manager Administrator’s Guide and the Tivoli Storage Manager
Administrator’s Reference for details.
Changes for Version 3 Release 7–April 2000
Refer to the Tivoli Storage Manager Administrator’s Guide and the
Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start for a summary of additional
changes to the current version of the product.
For the latest information on requirements and compatibility among
products, see this URL:
Product Repackaging Changes–September 1999
The ADSTAR® Distributed Storage Manager product and its features
are now part of the Tivoli Storage Management product set. The
table below shows the most important name changes. The transition
of the entire product set to the new names may not be complete at
the time of publishing, and as a result the terms ADSM and ADSTAR
Distributed Storage Manager may still appear. For the latest
information on requirements and compatibility among products, see
Table 1. Product Name Changes
Former name
Current name
ADSTAR Distributed
Storage Manager
Tivoli Storage Manager Base product now
includes some functions
that were purchased
features for ADSM.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Table 1. Product Name Changes (continued)
Former name
Current name
Hierarchical Storage
Management (HSM)
Tivoli Space Manager
(also referred to as
space manager client or now a separate product
Formerly required
purchase of a feature;
HSM client)
with Tivoli Storage
Manager as the
Disaster Recovery
Manager (DRM)
Tivoli Disaster
Recovery Manager
Formerly required
purchase of a feature;
now a separate product
with Tivoli Storage
Manager as the
ADSMConnect Agents Tivoli Data Protection
for applications (also
Formerly required
purchase of a feature;
now a separate product
with Tivoli Storage
Manager as the
referred to as
application clients)
Changes for Version 3 Release 7–September 1999
The following changes have been made for this edition:
Creation of portable backup sets for clients
The server can create portable backup sets for clients that are
at the latest level of Tivoli Storage Manager. The function
consolidates a client’s active backup files onto portable
media that may be directly readable by the client’s system
for restore operations.
Logical volume backup for clients
Backup-archive clients can now back up logical volumes to
the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Performance enhancements
Performance enhancements include the following:
Version 3 Release 7
Automatic tuning of selected server options
Selected server options can be tuned automatically
by the server.
Database, recovery log, and all storage pool volumes
TSM can specify a size from 0 to 64MB for VSAM
I/O pages to allow a faster throughput of data for
operations involving the database, the recovery log,
and all storage pool volumes.
Database page shadowing
Database page shadowing mirrors every write to a
database page so that the server can recover pages
that have been partially written to should an outage
occur that affects both mirrored volumes. Combined
server options for the database and recovery log, you
can specify your preferred level of protection,
recoverability and performance.
Database load and audit enhancements
A new utility has been added to recover the contents
of the database when the server is offline.
Database snapshot
You now have the choice of making a database snapshot,
which is a full database backup to media that can be taken
off-site. The database snapshot does not interrupt any
database backup series and cannot have incremental database
backups associated with it.
Device support
Enhancements to device support include:
Control of tape drive cleaning
Bulk tape check-in and check-out
IBM 3494 Tape Library Dataserver
Support for devices on a storage area network (SAN)
IBM 3570 and 3575
Removable media device type
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Proxy Web services
See Quick Start for details.
Password expiration controls
You can reset the password expiration period for all or
selected users.
Licensing changes
Some features that formerly required the purchase of licenses
are now part of the base Tivoli Storage Manager product.
Changes for Version 3–January 1999
The section on client messages has been reorganized. The following
changes have been made for this edition:
Client Common Messages (1000–1999)
Various command-line client messages were moved from the
client common messages to a new client message chapter
titled Command-Line Client Messages
Command-Line Client Messages (1053–3999)
This is a new chapter.
Enterprise Management (2500–2999)
This is a new chapter.
ADSMConnect Agent Messages
This is a new section and includes the following chapters:
ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus® Notes™ (0900–0999)
ADSMConnect Agent for Microsoft® SQL Server
(0301–5203) The messages begin with prefix ACO.
ADSMConnect Agent for Oracle Backup (0410–0419)
Changes for Version 3–September 1998
The following changes have been made for this edition:
Enterprise Administration
You can manage a network of servers in a consistent way
from a single, web browser-based administrative interface.
You can set up one server as the configuration manager that
distributes configuration information (such as policy) to
Version 3 Release 7
managed servers. In the network of servers you can route
commands to one or more servers.
Enterprise event logging and monitoring
You can log events from other servers and clients to a
specific ADSM server.
Enterprise console
The enterprise console is a web browser-based interface from
which you can access ADSM server functions. When you
log on to a configuration manager via the web interface, you
access the enterprise console. The enterprise console can
give the administrator a complete view of the ADSM
installations in an enterprise. To use the web interface, you
must have a browser with support installed for Java® 1.1.
See ADSM Quick Start for more information.
Enterprise logon
From the administrative web interface, you can log on to an
ADSM server once, and work with multiple servers to which
you have administrative authority without having to log on
ADSM server scripts
You can create and store server scripts in the ADSM
database. Scripts can contain ADSM administrative
commands and can include conditional statements that
evaluate the results of earlier commands in the script before
proceeding. Scripts can be distributed to other servers and
can be scheduled to run with the DEFINE SCHEDULE
Database and recovery log automation
You can set up triggers that automate increasing the size of
the database or recovery log based on utilization levels.
Storage pool migration by age
You can set a minimum age for data before the server can
migrate the data from a storage pool.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Disaster Recovery Manager plan file
You can store the recovery plan file on another server to
which your server has access via server-to-server
Changes for Version 3–March 1998
The following changes have been made for this edition:
Event logging and monitoring
You can set up Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) as a hearbeat monitor and as a receiver for TSM
event logging.
Device support
Device support has been enhanced to allow TSM to use the
following devices:
StorageTek SD-3 and 9490 tape drives. For these
devices, use the device type of ECARTRIDGE.
Tape libraries that are controlled by StorageTek
Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS).
Changes for Version 3–October 1997
The new functions of TSM Version 3 are:
Event logging and monitoring
You can set up event logging of ADSM client and server
events. See ADSM Administrator’s Guide and ADSM
Administrator’s Reference for details.
SQL queries of the ADSM database
You can use SQL queries to get information about the
ADSM server and clients. See ADSM Administrator’s Guide
and ADSM Administrator’s Reference for details.
Storing data on another ADSM server
You can store data for one ADSM server (a source server)
on another ADSM server (a target server). Using another
ADSM server is especially useful for storing backups of the
Version 3 Release 7
ADSM database and ADSM storage pools. See ADSM
Administrator’s Guide and ADSM Administrator’s Reference
for details.
Server file aggregation
ADSM allows small client files to be combined and stored
as larger aggregated files. Aggregation can improve
performance and reduce database overhead. See ADSM
Administrator’s Guide for details.
Device support
See ADSM Administrator’s Guide and ADSM Administrator’s
Reference for details on the following enhancements.
Device support has been enhanced to allow ADSM to
use the following devices:
IBM 3570 tape devices.
Optical devices that use 12-inch and 14-inch
write-once optical cartridges.
DTF tape devices.
Tape devices that are supported by AIX device
drivers (instead of ADSM device drivers). These
devices have the device type of GENERICTAPE.
A LABEL LIBVOLUME command allows you to label
and check in volumes to an automated library in one
Windows NT
Device support has been enhanced to allow ADSM to
use the following devices:
IBM 3570 tape devices
Optical devices that use 5.25-inch rewritable optical
cartridges and 5.25-inch write-once optical cartridges
DTF tape devices
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
A LABEL LIBVOLUME command allows you to label
and check in volumes to an automated library in one
Device support has been enhanced to allow ADSM to
use IBM 3590 tape devices.
Device support has been enhanced to allow ADSM to
use the following devices:
IBM 3590 tape devices
IBM 3494 automated tape library
A LABEL LIBVOLUME command allows you to label
and check in volumes to an automated library in one
Sun Solaris
Device class types now include support for IBM 3570
and 3590 tape drives, quarter-inch cartridge (QIC) tape
drives, digital linear tape (DLT) drives and libraries, and
rewritable optical drives.
A LABEL LIBVOLUME command allows you to label
and check in volumes to an automated library in one
Administrative client web interface
You can access ADSM server functions from any
workstation with a web browser that supports HTML 2.0 or
higher. The workstation does not need to have an
administrative client installed. See ADSM Quick Start for
Immediate processing of commands on a client
You can use an ADSM administrative command to run
operations immediately on a client workstation. See ADSM
Administrator’s Guide and ADSM Administrator’s Reference
for details.
Version 3 Release 7
Point-in-time restoration of client files
Clients can restore files to a specific point in time if
incremental backups have been performed and policy is set
up appropriately. See ADSM Administrator’s Guide and
ADSM Administrator’s Reference for details.
Restarting client restoration sessions
Clients can restart restore sessions that have been
interrupted. Administrators can request information about
these sessions and cancel them. See ADSM Administrator’s
Guide and ADSM Administrator’s Reference for details.
Defining client options at the server
You can define sets of client options at the server, and assign
a set to a client when registering the client. See ADSM
Administrator’s Guide and ADSM Administrator’s Reference
for details.
Changing server options without stopping the server
You can change some server options and have the changes
take effect without stopping and starting the server. See
ADSM Administrator’s Guide and ADSM Administrator’s
Reference for details.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Version 3 Release 7
Version 3 Release 7
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) is an enterprise-wide storage
management application for the network. It provides automated
storage management services to multivendor workstations, personal
computers, and local area network (LAN) file servers. TSM includes
the following components:
Allows a server system to provide backup, archive, and
space management services to workstations. The server
maintains a database and recovery log for TSM resources,
users, and user data.
The server controls the TSM server’s storage, called storage
pools. These are groups of random and sequential access
media that store backed up, archived, and space-managed
You can set up multiple servers in your enterprise network to
balance storage, processor, and network resources. TSM
allows you to manage and control multiple servers from a
single interface that runs in a web browser (the enterprise
Administrative client
Allows administrators to control and monitor server
activities, define management policies for client files, and set
up schedules to provide services at regular intervals.
Administrative functions are available from an administrative
client command line and from a web browser interface.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Backup-archive client
Allows users to maintain backup versions of their files,
which they can restore if the original files are lost or
damaged. Users can also archive files for long-term storage
and retrieve the archived files when necessary. Users or
administrators can register workstations and file servers as
client nodes with an TSM server.
Hierarchical storage management (HSM) client
Provides space management services for workstations on
some platforms. TSM users can free workstation storage by
migrating less frequently used files to server storage. These
migrated files are also called space-managed files. Users can
recall space-managed files automatically simply by accessing
them as they normally would.
Application programming interface (API)
Allows users to enhance existing applications with backup,
archive, restore, and retrieve services. When users install the
TSM API client on their workstations, they can register as
client nodes with an TSM server.
This chapter contains information to help you understand the
messages issued by the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM):
Server program
Administrative client graphical user interface
Administrative command line client
Backup-archive client
Space-management client
Messages can appear on the server console, the administrative client,
an operator terminal, the administrative graphical user interface, the
backup-archive client, or the space-management client.
TSM provides an activity log to help the administrator track server
activity and monitor the system.
The activity log contains messages generated by the server and is
stored in the database. To access the activity log from the
administrative graphical user interface, select the SERVER icon. The
Version 3 Release 7
server automatically deletes messages from the activity log after they
have passed the specified retention period. Any messages sent to the
server console are stored in the activity log. Examples of the types
of messages stored in the activity log include:
When client sessions start or end
When migration starts or ends
When backed up files are expired from data storage
Any output generated from background processes
Understanding Messages
The following examples illustrate the format used in this publication
to describe TSM messages:
Messages that begin with prefix ANE and are in range 4000–4999
originate from the backup-archive client. These messages (or events)
are sent to the server for distribution to various event logging
The client may send statistics to the server providing information
about a backup or restore. These statistics are informational
messages that may be enabled or disabled to the various event
logging receivers. These messages are not published in this manual.
Messages that begin with prefix ANR originate from the server.
Messages that begin with prefix ANS originate from the
backup-archive or space management clients.
ANS messages that are in range 5000–5999 and 8000–8999 originate
from the administrative client.
Messages that begin with prefix ACO and are in range 0301–5203
originate from the administrative client. These are messages for
Tivoli Data Protection Microsoft SQL Server.
Message Format
The following examples describe the TSM message format:
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
The callouts to the right identify each part of the format.
Message variables in the message text appear in italics. The server
and client messages fall into the following categories:
Common messages that pertain to all TSM server platforms
Platform specific messages that pertain to each operating
environment for the server and the client
Messages that pertain to application clients
How to Read a Return Code Message
Many different commands can generate the same return code. The
following examples are illustrations of two different commands
issued that result in the same return code; therefore, you must read
the descriptive message for the command.
Version 3 Release 7
Example One for QUERY EVENT Command
Example Two for DEFINE VOLUME Command
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Version 3 Release 7
Obtaining Help with Tivoli
Storage Manager
This section describes the following:
How to obtain help with processing errors by using Internet and
How to describe errors with keywords
How to obtain online message help
What information to have available when you contact your
service representative
Internet and IBMLink Assistance
TSM message help explanations may suggest that you contact your
service representative for additional help with processing errors.
Online help is available through Internet and IBMLink/ServiceLink.
If your installation has access to the Internet, the latest server and
client PTFs (maintenance updates) are available on the anonymous
ftp (file transfer protocol) server. The machine name is
If your installation has access to IBMLink/ServiceLink, an
interactive online database program, you can:
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Search for an existing authorized program analysis report
(APAR) that is similar to your problem.
Search for an available program temporary fix (PTF) for the
existing APAR.
Order the PTF if it is available.
Create an Electronic Technical Response (ETR) problem report
to get assistance from an TSM service representative.
Describing the Error with Keywords
When you use IBMLink/Servicelink or call your service
representative, accurately describe the problem so that the service
representative may quickly help you solve the problem. Identify the
processing error with a full set of keywords whenever possible. A
keyword is a word or an abbreviation used to describe a single
aspect of a program failure. Each keyword describes an aspect of a
processing error.
The following example displays the necessary set of keywords:
56480200n R312 type command function
Component identification keyword
Release level keyword
Type-of-failure keyword
Command keyword
Function keyword
Component Identification Keyword
The component identifiers for TSM are listed below:
Server Platform Component ID
Sun Solaris
Version 3 Release 7
Server Platform Component ID
Windows NT 5697-TSM
MVS and OS/390 5697-TSO
and OS/390
Type-of-Failure Keyword
The following keywords identify the type of failure that may occur:
Use this keyword when the system ends abnormally.
Use this keyword when incorrect output is received or
expected output is missing.
Use this keyword if a part of the program code runs
endlessly; include situations in which a part of the
output repeats continuously.
MSGANRnnnnt Use this keyword when a message:
Indicates an internal program error
Is issued in a set of conditions that should not
cause it to be issued
Contains invalid or missing data
description of the message format.
Use this keyword when you receive no response within
a reasonable time that can be perceived as poor
response or poor performance.
Use this keyword when a programming problem
(Documentation) appears to be caused by incorrect, missing, or
ambiguous information in one of the TSM publications.
Enter the order number of the publication in place of
xxxxxxxxxx. Include the letter prefix and version
number, but omit all hyphens, for example,
GC35038200. Refer to “Tivoli Storage Manager
Publications” on page x for a list of the TSM
Use this keyword as a closing code for an APAR.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Command Keyword
Build keywords based on TSM commands. Refer to Administrator’s
Reference for a list of the commands.
Function Keyword
Use keywords that refer to basic TSM functions such as backup,
retrieve, archive, recover, migrate, and export-import.
Obtaining Online HELP (Get Help on Error Messages)
Use the HELP command on the server console or administrative
command line client to display information about server and
administrative command line client messages. Use the HELP
command on the backup-archive client to display information about
backup-archive client messages.
The Help error message number command displays the help text
specific to the error message. You can get help information on server
messages (prefixed by ANR), and administrative command line and
backup-archive client messages (prefixed by ANS or ANE) except
those specific to the administrative graphical user interface client.
Contacting Your Service Representative
When you contact your service representative after the proper
diagnostic procedures have been followed and user specifications
have been checked for accuracy, you should have on hand the
information listed in “Checklist for Contacting your Service
Running Trace Commands
Your service representative may request that you run trace
commands to perform diagnostic functions. The output from the
trace commands is classified as Diagnosis, Modification, and Tuning
Version 3 Release 7
Version 3 Release 7
Version 3 Release 7
Common and Platform Specific
Messages (ANR0100–ANR9999)
This chapter contains the common and platform-specific server
messages. The organization of the messages are grouped by the
message prefix ANR and documented in ascending numeric order. If
a message is platform specific and a duplicate, the appropriate
platform name is added after the message number and it is also
documented alphabetically by platform name.
Source file(line number): Error error code creating table ″table name″.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to create a server
database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Source file(line number): Error error code opening table ″table name″.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to access a server
database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Source file(line number): Error error code inserting row in table ″table name″.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to add data to a server
database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Source file(line number): Error error code updating row in table ″table name″.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to update data in a
server database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Source file(line number): Error error code deleting row from table ″table name″.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to remove data from a
server database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Source file(line number): Error setting search bounds for table ″table name″.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to access data in a
server database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Source file(line number): Unexpected error error code fetching row in table ″table
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in an attempt to access data in a
server database table. This message always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Version 3 Release 7
Source file(line number): Transaction transaction ID was not committed due to
an internal error.
Explanation: An internal error was detected during transaction commit. This
message should be preceded by another error message which provides more detail
about that error.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Source file(line number): could not start a new transaction.
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to start a new transaction.
Possibly there is not enough memory.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
An unexpected system date has been detected; the server is disabled. Use the
ACCEPT DATE command to establish the current date as valid.
Explanation: The server has noted that the current system date is suspect. It is
earlier than the server install date or has suddenly moved into the future by 30 days
or more.
System Action: The server is disable for client access. Server expiration will not
User Response: If the current system date is not valid, reset the date. Use the
ACCEPT DATE command to establish the current date as valid on the server. After
executing this command, you can use the ENABLE SESSIONS command to enable
the server for client sessions.
DiagnosticID: Server LOG space exhausted.
Explanation: There is no space to write data to the server recovery log.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: To increase the amount of log space available to the server, an
authorized administrator can add log volumes by using the DEFINE LOGVOLUME
command, and extend the size of the log by using the EXTEND LOG command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
DiagnosticID: Server DB space exhausted.
Explanation: There is no space to write data to the server database.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: To increase the amount of database space available to the server,
an authorized administrator can add database volumes by using the DEFINE
DBVOLUME command, and extend the size of the database by using the EXTEND
DB command.
DiagnosticID: Memory allocation failed: object object name, size size.
Explanation: The server cannot obtain enough memory to create the object
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Recovery log assigned capacity is size megabytes.
Explanation: The amount of space allocated to the recovery log is shown.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Database assigned capacity is size megabytes.
Explanation: The amount of space allocated to the database is shown.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Database volume volume name varied offline due to excessive read errors.
Explanation: The database volume shown has been varied offline because too
many read errors have been encountered.
System Action: If available, a mirrored copy of the volume is used.
User Response: Correct the cause of the read errors.
Version 3 Release 7
Database volume volume name varied offline due to excessive write errors.
Explanation: The database volume shown has been varied offline because too
many write errors have been encountered.
System Action: If available, a mirrored copy of the volume is used.
User Response: Correct the cause of the write errors.
Recovery log volume volume name varied offline due to excessive read errors.
Explanation: The recovery log volume shown has been varied offline because too
many read errors have been encountered.
System Action: If available, a mirrored copy of the volume is used.
User Response: Correct the cause of the read errors.
Recovery log volume volume name varied offline due to excessive write errors.
Explanation: The recovery log volume shown has been varied offline because too
many write errors have been encountered.
System Action: If available, a mirrored copy of the volume is used.
User Response: Correct the cause of the write errors.
Partial write detected on database volume volume name, logical page logical
page number (physical page physical page number).
Explanation: During a write of a database page, an error occurred so that the page
was not completely written to disk.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume.
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
Page address mismatch detected on database volume volume name, logical page
logical page number (physical page physical page number); actual: logical page
Explanation: During a read of a database page, the page does not contain the
expected page address.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume.
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Partial write detected on recovery log volume volume name, logical page logical
page number (physical page physical page number).
Explanation: During a write of a recovery log page, an error occurs so that the
page is not completely written to disk.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume.
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
Page address mismatch detected on recovery log volume volume name, logical
page logical page number (physical page physical page number); actual: logical
page number.
Explanation: During a read of a recovery log page, the page does not contain the
expected page address.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume.
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
Inconsistency found in LVM data page page number - partial write detected.
Explanation: During a write of an LVM internal page, an error occurs so that the
page is not completely written to disk.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume.
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
Inconsistency found in LVM data page page number - page address mismatch
(actual page number).
Explanation: During a read of an LVM internal page, the page does not contain
the expected page address.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume.
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
Unable to read disk definition file file specification.
Explanation: At startup, the server cannot read the indicated file in order to obtain
a list of disk volumes to mount.
System Action: Server initialization fails.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: Use a text editor to recreate the file; it should contain one line
with the name of a single log or database volume. Then restart the server.
Unable to rewrite disk definition file.
Explanation: An error occurs trying to update the disk definition file.
System Action: None.
User Response: Attempt to determine the cause of the write error and correct it.
Database volume volume name is in the offline state - VARY ON required.
Explanation: At system startup, the server finds that the specified database
volume is in the offline state.
System Action: The volume is not accessed.
User Response: Determine the reason for the volume being offline; if possible,
vary it online.
Recovery log volume volume name is in the offline state - VARY ON required.
Explanation: At system startup, the server finds that the recovery log volume
shown is in the offline state.
System Action: The volume is not accessed.
User Response: Determine the reason for the volume being offline; if possible,
vary it online.
Database volume volume name is in the ″stale″ state - synchronization process
Explanation: At system startup, the server finds that the database volume shown
is not synchronized.
System Action: A process is started to synchronize the volume.
User Response: None.
Recovery log volume volume name is in the ″stale″ state - synchronization
process started.
Explanation: At system startup, the server finds that the recovery log volume
shown is not synchronized.
System Action: A process is started to synchronize the volume.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Unable to install database volume volume name - capacity must be at least 5
Explanation: An attempt has been made to add a database volume that is smaller
than the server minimum.
System Action: The volume is not added.
User Response: Increase the size of the volume or supply another larger volume.
Unable to install recovery log volume volume name - capacity must be at least 5
Explanation: An attempt has been made to add a recovery log volume that is
smaller than the server minimum.
System Action: The volume is not added.
User Response: Increase the size of the volume or supply another larger volume.
Synchronization of database volume volume name started as process process ID.
Explanation: A background process was started to synchronize the contents of the
database volume shown with its copy volume. The background process was assigned
the process ID shown.
System Action: The background process starts to synchronize the volume and
server operation continues.
User Response: The administrator may query the status of the background process
by using the QUERY PROCESS command, or cancel the process by using the
Synchronization of recovery log volume volume name started as process process
Explanation: A background process was started to synchronize the contents of the
recovery log volume shown with its copy volume(s). The background process was
assigned the process ID shown.
System Action: The background process starts to synchronize the volume and
server operation continues.
User Response: The administrator may query the status of the background process
by using the QUERY PROCESS command, or cancel the process by using the
Version 3 Release 7
Error action disk definition file file specification.
Explanation: An error occurred creating or changing the disk definition file.
System Action: None.
User Response: Attempt to determine the cause of the write error and correct it.
Error writing list of disks to disk definition file.
Explanation: The disk definition file cannot be written.
System Action: Installation ends.
User Response: Determine the cause of the write error and correct it.
Volume volume name is specified more than once - server installation failed.
Explanation: The specified volume name was specified more than once in the
server installation execution.
System Action: Installation ends.
User Response: Reinitialize the server install specifying a unique name for each
database and recovery log volume.
Synchronization process failed for database volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to synchronize the database volume
shown has failed.
System Action: The volume is in the stale state.
User Response: See accompanying messages for more information.
Synchronization process failed for recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to synchronize the recovery log
volume shown has failed.
System Action: The volume is in the stale state.
User Response: See accompanying messages for more information.
Synchronization process canceled for database volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to synchronize the database volume
shown has been canceled.
System Action: The volume is in the stale state.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: If desired, issue a VARY ONLINE command to start another
synchronize process.
Synchronization process canceled for recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to synchronize the database volume
shown has been canceled.
System Action: The volume is in the stale state.
User Response: If desired, issue a VARY ONLINE command to start another
synchronize process.
Synchronization complete for database volume volume name.
Explanation: The synchronization process for the database volume named has
finished successfully.
System Action: The volume is varied online.
User Response: None.
Synchronization complete for recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: The synchronization process for the recovery log volume named has
finished successfully.
System Action: The volume is varied online.
User Response: None.
Deletion process failed for database volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to delete the database volume
shown has failed.
System Action: The volume is not deleted.
User Response: See accompanying messages for more information.
Deletion process failed for recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to delete the recovery log volume
shown has failed.
System Action: The volume is not deleted.
User Response: See accompanying messages for more information.
Version 3 Release 7
Deletion process canceled for database volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to delete the database volume
shown has been canceled.
System Action: The volume is not deleted.
User Response: None.
Deletion process canceled for recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: The process that was attempting to delete the recovery log volume
shown has been canceled.
System Action: The volume is not deleted.
User Response: None.
Deletion complete for database volume volume name.
Explanation: The delete process for the database volume named has finished
System Action: The volume is deleted.
User Response: None.
Deletion complete for recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: The delete process for the recovery log volume named has finished
System Action: The volume is deleted.
User Response: None.
Error reading logical page logical page number (physical page physical page
number) from database volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to read a page from
the specified database volume.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume, if
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
error. If the error persists and another mirrored copy of the volume is available, the
failing volume should be taken offline by using the VARY OFF command, and
repaired. Otherwise, halt the server and repair the volume. Then restart the server.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Database page logical page number successfully read from an alternate copy on
volume volume name.
Explanation: After a read error, the server is able to read the desired page from
another synchronized mirrored volume.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
Unable to read database page logical page number from any alternate copy.
Explanation: After a read error, the server is unable to read the desired page from
another mirrored volume because no other mirrored volume is in the synchronized
state. This message is normally preceded by a message indicating which volume
System Action: Processing is ended.
User Response: You can repair the failed volume by halting the server and
correcting the volume errors.
Error reading logical page logical page number (physical page physical page
number) from recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to read a page from
the specified recovery log volume.
System Action: The failed I/O operation is retried on a mirrored volume, if
User Response: See accompanying messages for information about the volume in
error. If the error persists and another mirrored copy of the volume is available, the
failing volume should be taken offline, by using the VARY OFF command, and
Recovery log page logical page number successfully read from an alternate copy
on volume volume name.
Explanation: After a read error, the server is able to read the desired page from
another synchronized mirrored volume.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7
Unable to read recovery log page logical page number from any alternate copy.
Explanation: After a read error, the server is unable to read the desired page from
another mirrored volume because no other mirrored volume was in the synchronized
state. This message is normally preceded by a message indicating which volume
System Action: Processing is ended.
User Response: You can repair the failed volume by halting the server and
correcting the volume errors.
Error writing logical page logical page number (physical page physical page
number) to database volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to write a page to
the specified database volume.
System Action: If a mirrored volume is available then the failing volume is forced
into the offline state.
User Response: Repair the failing volume, and then use the VARY ON command
to bring the volume back online.
Unable to write database page logical page number to any alternate copy.
Explanation: After a write error, the server is unable to write the desired page to
another mirrored volume because no other mirrored volume is in the synchronized
state. This message is normally preceded by a message indicating which volume
System Action: Processing is ended.
User Response: Repair the failed volume.
Error writing logical page logical page number (physical page physical page
number) to recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to write a page to
the specified recovery log volume.
System Action: If a mirrored volume is available, the failing volume is forced into
the offline state.
User Response: Repair the failing volume, and then use the VARY ON command
to bring the volume back online.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Unable to write recovery log page logical page number to any alternate copy.
Explanation: After a write error, the server is unable to write the desired page to
another mirrored volume because no other mirrored volume is in the synchronized
state. This message is normally preceded by a message indicating which volume
System Action: Processing is ended.
User Response: You can repair the failed volume by halting the server and
correcting the volume errors.
Error writing physical page physical page number to restart/checkpoint area on
database volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to write a page to
the specified database volume.
System Action: If a mirrored volume is available, the failing volume is forced into
the offline state.
User Response: Repair the failing volume, and then use the VARY ON command
to bring the volume back online.
Error writing physical page physical page number to restart/checkpoint area on
recovery log volume volume name.
Explanation: An error has been encountered when attempting to write a page to
the specified database volume.
System Action: If a mirrored volume is available, the failing volume is forced into
the offline state.
User Response: Repair the failing volume, and then use the VARY ON command
to bring the volume back online.
Unable to write complete restart/checkpoint information to disk.
Explanation: While writing restart/checkpoint information to disk, the server
encounters an error writing to a database or recovery log volume for which no
synchronized mirrored copy is available. This message is normally preceded by a
message indicating which volume failed.
System Action: Processing is ended.
User Response: Repair the failing volume.
Version 3 Release 7
Unable to read complete restart/checkpoint information from any database or
recovery log volume.
Explanation: During server restart, the server is unable to read a complete set of
restart/checkpoint information from any of the defined database or recovery log
System Action: Server restart is ended.
User Response: Ensure that all defined database and recovery log volumes are
available for use by the server.
Database page logical page number successfully resynchronized.
Explanation: After detecting a partially-written database page, the server is able to
rewrite the page by using a synchronized mirror copy.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
Recovery log page logical page number successfully resynchronized.
Explanation: After detecting a partially-written recovery log page, the server is
able to rewrite the page by using a synchronized mirror copy.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
Log disk processing failed: sufficient memory is not available.
Explanation: At server installation, the server is unable to process the server log
disks due to insufficient memory.
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Restart the server installation process with more memory
Database disk processing failed: sufficient memory is not available.
Explanation: At server installation, the server is unable to process the server
database disks due to insufficient memory.
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Restart the server installation process with more memory
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Log volume volume name is not available.
Explanation: The specified volume cannot be found during installation.
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Determine the reason the disk is unavailable, and correct the
problem. Restart the server installation process.
Database volume volume name is not available.
Explanation: The specified volume cannot be found during installation.
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Determine the reason the disk is unavailable, and correct the
problem. Restart the server.
Process for Log volume volume name terminated - thread resource not
Explanation: During installation for the indicated volume, the server cannot start a
thread to service I/O requests.
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”. Restart the server installation process.
Process for Database volume volume name terminated - thread resource not
Explanation: During installation for the indicated volume, the server cannot start a
thread to service I/O requests.
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”. Restart the server installation process.
Maximum number of recovery log volumes exceeded.
Explanation: More recovery log volumes have been specified than the server can
System Action: Server installation stops.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: Reduce the number of recovery log volumes specified. Restart the
server installation process.
Maximum number of database volumes exceeded.
Explanation: More database volumes have been specified than the server can
System Action: Server installation stops.
User Response: Reduce the number of database volumes specified. Restart the
server installation process.
Database page shadowing started using file file name.
Explanation: The database page shadowing function was started. The file specified
is used to store the shadowed database pages.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Database page shadowing using file file name failed to start.
Explanation: The database page shadowing function could not start. An error has
been encountered accessing the page shadow file specified.
System Action: None.
User Response: Verify that there is enough space for the page shadow file. That
page shadow file requires approximately 65 kilobytes of space, if this space is not
available a new location for the file should be specified.
Contents of the page shadow file file name are not valid.
Explanation: The database page shadowing function could not use the contents of
the existing file. Restart recovery using this file is not possible.
System Action: The server attempts to start without having the database page
shadow file available.
User Response: The database page shadow file contents are not valid. This can be
caused by: a partial write to the page shadow file itself, the file being manipulated
by a process outside of the server, the file being overlayed by a different file, or the
file could have been erased.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
One or more database pages in the last batch written is corrupt - contents of
database page shadow file will be used to fix the page or pages.
Explanation: One or more pages from the last batch of pages written to the server
database has been detected to be corrupt. The server will attempt to use the contents
of database page shadow file and replace the corrupted database page.
System Action: Server startup continues.
User Response: A corruption of a database page within the server database, is
typically caused by a partial write. A partial write may occur when the server is
brought down external to normal server processing. If the server terminated without
a halt command being issued or if the machine the server is running on crashed
unexpectedly, this may account for the partial write. Other possible causes of a
partial write are a disk drive failure, improperly terminated scsi bus, or a failure in a
device controller. Please try to identify the cause of the partial write and take the
appropriate action to prevent this from occurring in the future.
Damaged database pages were successfully replaced using contents of page
shadow file.
Explanation: The damaged database pages were replaced using the corresponding
pages from the page shadow file. The pages were successfully replaced.
System Action: The server continues to restart.
User Response: None.
Failure occurred attempting to replace one or more damaged database pages
using the contents of the page shadow file.
Explanation: The damaged database pages could not be replaced using the
corresponding pages from the page shadow file.
System Action: The server continues to restart.
User Response: None.
Error writing to db page shadow file - restart will be attempted.
Explanation: The server encountered an error writing to the database page shadow
file. The page shadowing for the server is currently disabled.
System Action: The server will attempt to restart the database page shadowing for
the server once a minute until it is restarted or until the server is halted.
User Response: Check the file specified as the database page shadow file. It may
be that there is not enough space for the file. If enough space is available, check the
filesystem, drive, or disk that it resides on for an indication of the error. Once the
Version 3 Release 7
error preventing the server from writing to the page shadow file has been resolved,
the server will recovery and begin writing to the page shadow file again.
Database page shadow file file name does not exist.
Explanation: The server attempted to use the page shadow file referenced but was
unable to open the file. The file does not exist.
System Action: The server will continue to operate and will attempt to create this
as a new database page shadow file.
User Response: None.
Recovery log format started; assigned capacity count megabytes.
Explanation: Initial formatting of the server recovery log has started.
System Action: The log is formatted for use by the server.
User Response: None.
Recovery log format in progress; count megabytes of count.
Explanation: The amount of the server recovery log shown has been successfully
System Action: Formatting continues.
User Response: None.
Recovery log formatting took mseconds milliseconds.
Explanation: Formatting of the recovery log has completed and took the number
of milliseconds shown.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Format rate: rate pages/second.
Explanation: During formatting, the formatter processed the number of pages
indicated each second.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Page service time: rate ms.
Explanation: During formatting, the formatter required the number of milliseconds
indicated to process each page.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log format complete.
Explanation: Formatting of the server recovery log completed successfully.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log volume mount in progress.
Explanation: During restart, the server is mounting required recovery log volumes.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log extend in progress; count megabytes of count formatted.
Explanation: As a result of an EXTEND LOG command, the additional recovery
log pages are being formatted.
System Action: Formatting continues.
User Response: None.
Recovery log extend terminated - process canceled.
Explanation: The process started as a result of an EXTEND LOG command and
has been canceled.
System Action: The EXTEND command is ended.
User Response: None.
Recovery log reduce in progress; count megabytes of count moved.
Explanation: As a result of a REDUCE LOG command, the amount of data from
the recovery log shown has been moved.
System Action: The REDUCE LOG command continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7
Recovery log reduce terminated - process canceled.
Explanation: The process started as a result of a REDUCE LOG command and
has been canceled.
System Action: The REDUCE command is ended.
User Response: None.
Recovery log usage exceeds utilization percentage % of its assigned capacity.
Explanation: This message is issued to notify the administrator that the server
recovery log utilization exceeds 90% or more of its assigned capacity.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response:
If the server is operating in NORMAL log mode, depending upon the size of
your recovery log, add recovery log volumes, or extend the recovery log, or
both, before it fills completely. Refer to the DEFINE LOGVOL, and EXTEND
LOG commands for more information on these operations.
If the server is operating in ROLLFORWARD log mode:
backup the database, or
define a database backup trigger if one is not already defined, or
lower the database backup trigger if one is defined
Recovery checkpoint started.
Explanation: During server initialization, the process of bringing the server
database back to a state of consistency has begun.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery checkpoint complete.
Explanation: During server initialization, the process of bringing the server
database back to a state of consistency has completed successfully.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Transaction recovery complete.
Explanation: During server initialization, the process of recovering any incomplete
transactions has completed successfully.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log analysis pass in progress.
Explanation: During server initialization, the process of analyzing the server
recovery log has begun.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log redo pass in progress.
Explanation: During server initialization, the process of committing incomplete
transactions has begun.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log undo pass in progress.
Explanation: During server initialization, the process of rolling back incomplete
transactions has begun.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log compression started.
Explanation: The process of removing unneeded data from the server recovery log
has begun.
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Recovery log compression ended.
Explanation: The process of removing unneeded data from the server recovery log
has completed.
Version 3 Release 7
System Action: None.
User Response: None.
Database initialization failed: sufficient memory is not available.
Explanation: During server initialization, the server database fails initialization
because sufficient server memory is not available.
System Action: Initialization fails.
User Response: Make more memory available to the server.
Database initialization failed: unable to read database restart record.
Explanation: During server initialization, the server database initialization fails
because the required restart record cannot be read.
System Action: Initialization fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Database initialization failed: database size mismatch; LVM size = size,
expected size = size.
Explanation: During server initialization, the server database initialization fails
because the size of the database does not match its prior size.
System Action: Initialization fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Database initialization failed: error initializing database page allocator.
Explanation: During server initialization, the server database initialization fails
because the page allocator cannot be started.
System Action: Initialization fails.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Database usage exceeds utilization percentage % of its assigned capacity.
Explanation: This message is issued to notify the administrator that the server
database utilization exceeds 80% or more of its assigned capacity.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Depending upon the size of your database, add database volumes,
or extend the database, or both, before it fills completely. The server expiration
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
process may also free up database space making it available to other server
processes. Refer to the EXPIRE INVENTORY, DEFINE DBVOL, and EXTEND
DB commands for more information on these operations.
Database was automatically upgraded to the server program level.
Explanation: This message is issued to notify the administrator that the server
database was automatically upgraded to the current server program level. The
upgrade is performed when the UPGRADEDB parameter is specified at server
start-up and the server is started over a database that was written by a down-level
version of the server program.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None. The UPGRADEDB parameter does not need to be specified
during future server start-ups.
The database buffer pool recovered from an overcommit of number of pages
pages. Consider increasing your buffer pool size by kilobytes needed kilobytes
under current server load.
Explanation: During normal processing, additional buffer pool space is required
beyond that specified in the BUFPOOLSIZE in the server options file. The
additional kilobytes of buffer pool space that are required are indicated in the
System Action: Server operation continues; the additional buffer pool space is
obtained from available server memory.
User Response: If the current server load is typical, consider increasing the size
specified for your BUFPOOLSIZE option by the number of kilobytes specified in
the message. To do this, you must halt the server, change the options file, and then
restart the server.
Bufferpool statistics were successfully reset.
Explanation: Bufferpool statistics, such as the Cache Hit Ratio, have been reset by
the RESET BUFPOOL command.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: The QUERY DB command (FORMAT=DETAILED) can be used
to to display the current values for the buffer pool statistics.
The database maximum utilization statistic was successfully reset.
Explanation: The database maximum utilization statistic has been reset by the
RESET DBMAXUTILIZATION command to the current utilization.
Version 3 Release 7
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: The QUERY DB command (FORMAT=DETAILED) can be used
to display the current value for the maximum utilization.
The recovery log maximum utilization statistic was successfully reset.
Explanation: The recovery log maximum utilization statistic has been reset by the
RESET LOGMAXUTILIZATION command to the current utilization.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: The QUERY LOG command (FORMAT=DETAILED) can be
used to display the current value for the maximum utilization.
The recovery log consumption statistic was successfully reset.
Explanation: The recovery log consumption statistic has been reset by the RESET
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: The QUERY LOG command (FORMAT=DETAILED) can be
used to display the current value for recovery log consumption.
Could not free sufficient buffers to reach reduced BUFPoolsize.
Explanation: A reduction in the Data Base buffer pool size was requested.
However, too many buffers were in use to reach the lower buffer pool size.
System Action: Server operation continues. Whatever buffer pool size reduction
that could be achieved is in effect. The new bufpoolsize is written to the options file
for use on the next server startup.
User Response: None.
The BUFPoolsize has been changed to buffer pool size.
Explanation: The BUFPoolsize option has been changed to the indicated value.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
A server database deadlock situation has been encountered: lock request for
transaction transaction ID will be denied to resolve the deadlock.
Explanation: The server detected a deadlock situation between a number of
processes attempting to access database information. A lock request for one of the
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
processes will be denied to resolve the database deadlock. When server processes
encounter a database deadlock, they usually reattempt the function that was in
progress when the deadlock was encountered. Not all process can explicitly re-try
an operation. For example, migration and reclamation will eventually retry.
However, something like a delete volume run in a macro will only retry if the delete
command is reissued either in the macro or the command line.
System Action: A lock request fails for one of the deadlocked processes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: If a process can retry (like migration), then monitor the re-try
attempt to see if it succeeds or not. If it fails, contact a service representative. If the
process or command is not able to retry on it’s own, then reissue the command or
macro that caused the action to occur. If it fails again, contact a service
representative for further assistance to better isolate the deadlock condition.
Session session number started for node node name (client platform)
(communication method).
Explanation: A new client session has been initiated by the specified node. The
session number, client platform type and communication method used by this
session are included in the message.
System Action: The server begins a communications session to service the client
User Response: None.
Session session number started for node node name (client platform)
(communication method) (WDSF client).
Explanation: A new WDSF client session has been initiated by the specified node.
The session number, client platform type and communication method used by this
session are included in the message.
System Action: The server begins a communications session to service the client
User Response: None.
Session session number started for administrator administrator ID
(administrator’s platform) (communication method).
Explanation: A new administrator client session has been initiated by the specified
administrator. The session number, administrator’s platform type and communication
method used by this session are included in the message.
System Action: The server begins a communications session to service the
administrator client.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: None.
Session session number ended for node node name (client platform).
Explanation: A client session has completed normally.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Session session number ended for node node name (client platform) (WDSF
Explanation: A WDSF client session has completed normally.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Session session number ended for administrator administrator ID (client
Explanation: An administrative client session has completed normally.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Session session number started for node node name (client platform)
(communication method communication address).
Explanation: A new client session has been initiated by the specified node. The
session number, client platform type, communication method and address used by
this session are included in the message.
System Action: The server begins a communications session to service the client
User Response: None.
Session session number started for administrator administrator ID
(administrator’s platform) (communication method communication address).
Explanation: A new administrator client session has been initiated by the specified
administrator. The session number, administrator’s platform type, communication
method and address used by this session are included in the message.
System Action: The server begins a communications session to service the
administrator client.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: None.
Session session number started for server server name (server’s platform)
(communication method) for purpose.
Explanation: A new server session has been initiated by the specified server for
the specified purpose. The session number, server’s platform type and
communication method used by this session are included in the message.
System Action: The server begins a communications session to service the
administrator client.
User Response: None.
Session session number ended for server server name (client platform).
Explanation: A server has completed normally.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Session session number for administrator administrator name (client platform)
refused - invalid password submitted.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a client session because an
invalid password has been submitted by the client during sign-on processing. The
server will continue to deny access attempts by this client until a valid password is
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Enter the proper password. If the password has been forgotten by
the user, an authorized administrator can assign a new password by using the
Administrative client userid administrative ID cannot be used when
authentication is on.
Explanation: The server refuses a request for a client (administrative) session
because the user ID specified cannot be used when authentication of IDs is in effect.
SERVER_CONSOLE is an administrative ID that has this restriction.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Use an administrative ID that was registered for this server and
that has a password.
Version 3 Release 7
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - server
disabled for user access.
Explanation: The server refuses a request for a client (backup-archive) session
because the server is currently disabled for client access.
System Action: Server operation continues. Administrative clients are permitted
access to the server.
User Response: An authorized administrator must issue the ENABLE command
before client nodes are permitted access to the server.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - sign-on
protocol violation.
Explanation: The server refuses a request for a client session because sign-on
protocol has been violated.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: This error is usually the result of a client programming error in
which the sign-on verb has been incorrectly formatted and delivered to the server.
This error can also result when the server is contacted by an application that is not a
part of this product.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - node name
not registered.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a client session because the
client node name is not registered in the server database.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Register the node name with the server before establishing a
session. If the server is running with OPEN registration, no action is required; the
client prompts the user for a password and registers the client with the server. If
CLOSED registration is in effect on the server, an authorized administrator must use
the REGISTER NODE command to register the client node name with the server.
Session session number for administrator administrator ID (client platform)
refused - administrator name not registered.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start an administrative session
because the administrator name is not registered in the server database.
System Action: Server operation continues.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: Register the administrator name with the server before
establishing a session. An authorized administrator must use the REGISTER
ADMIN command to register the administrator with the server.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - invalid
password submitted.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a client session because an
invalid password has been submitted by the client during sign-on processing. The
server will continue to deny access attempts by this client until a valid password is
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Enter the proper password. If the password has been forgotten by
the user, an authorized administrator can assign a new password by using the
UPDATE NODE command.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - password
has expired.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified session because the administrator or
client node’s password has expired.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Upon receipt of this error condition, the client program
immediately reconnects to the server specifying a password update session and
prompts the user for a new password. After the user enters a new password, the
client reconnects to the server for normal operations. Alternatively, an authorized
administrator can update the client password using the UPDATE NODE or
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - open
registration not permitted.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session because an open registration
action has been attempted and the server is running with CLOSED registration.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ask an authorized administrator to submit the request using the
Version 3 Release 7
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - server
version is down-level with this client.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session because the client program
version level is newer than that supported by the server program.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Apply service to the server program to make it compatible with
the newer client program, or use an older client program to contact the server.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - client is
down-level with this server version.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session because the client program
version level is older than that supported by the server program. For certain
problems (such as the compression fix), once a node connects to the server using
the newer client, the server records this fact and will not let this node back off this
client version to a version that does not include the fix.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Apply service to the client program to make it compatible with
the newer server program.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - maximum
server sessions (max sessions allowed) exceeded.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified client or administrative session
because the maximum number of concurrent client sessions has been exceeded.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: If necessary, increase the maximum number of permitted sessions.
To do this, update the value for the MAXSESSIONS parameter in the server options
file and restart the server with the updated options file. Note that increasing the
MAXSESSIONS value requires additional memory resource by the server. You may
want to retry the connection at a later time.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - node name
is locked.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified client session because the node is
locked from server access (with the LOCK NODE command).
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Before the client node is permitted to access the server, a properly
authorized administrator must unlock the node with the UNLOCK NODE command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Session session number refused - administrator administrator ID (client platform)
is locked.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified administrative session because the
administrator is locked from server access (with the LOCK ADMIN command).
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Before the administrator is permitted to access the server, a
properly authorized administrator must unlock the administrator with the UNLOCK
ADMIN command.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - insufficient
Explanation: The server ends the specified session because sufficient memory
(virtual memory) is not available.
System Action: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Session session number for node or administrator ID (client platform) refused -
insufficient recovery log space.
Explanation: The server ends the specified client or administrative session because
sufficient log space is not available to complete a database transaction.
System Action: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: To increase the amount of log space available to the server, an
authorized administrator can add log volumes using the DEFINE LOGVOLUME
command, and extend the size of the log using the EXTEND LOG command.
Session session number for node or administrator ID (client platform) refused -
insufficient database space.
Explanation: The server ends the specified client or administrative session because
sufficient database space is not available to complete a database transaction.
System Action: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: To increase the amount of database space available to the server,
an authorized administrator can add database volumes using the DEFINE
DBVOLUME command, and extend the size of the database using the EXTEND
DB command.
Version 3 Release 7
Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - internal
error detected.
Explanation: The server ends the specified session because an internal logic error
is detected.
System Action: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: To determine the source of the error, the administrator can
examine server messages issued prior to this message. The QUERY ACTLOG
command can be used to view the activity log and search for messages. If the error
cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your service representative.
Session session number refused - a WDSF client is attempting to access the
server using client name client node name (client platform), associated with a
non-WDSF client.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session because a Workstation DataSave
Facility (WDSF) client is attempting to access the server using a node name
associated with a non-WDSF client. When converting from WDSF, WDSF client
programs cannot be used to access the server with a specific node name once the
non-WDSF client program has been used to access the server with that node name.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Access the server using a non-WDSF client program for the node
Session session number for node client node name (client platform) encountered
an internal server error while checking license compliance.
Explanation: The server encountered an internal error in determining if the server
is in compliance with license terms.
System Action: The client session is ended.
User Response: Use the QUERY LICENSE and QUERY STATUS commands to
determine if the server is in compliance with license terms. Start an AUDIT
LICENSES process to re-adjust server license information. When this process
completes you may restart the session. If the problem persists, contact your service
Session session number archive operation for client client node name (client
platform) has been denied - Server is not in compliance with license terms.
Explanation: The server refuses a client archive operation because the current
server configuration is not in compliance with license terms.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
System Action: Server operation continues. Clients may perform any action except
backup or archive.
User Response: Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance.
Session session number backup operation for client client node name (client
platform) has been denied - Server is not in compliance with license terms.
Explanation: The server refuses a client backup operation because the current
server configuration is not in compliance with license terms.
System Action: Server operation continues. Clients may perform any action except
backup or archive.
User Response: Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance.
Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client
platform) - invalid verb header received.
Explanation: The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because
an invalid verb header has been received from the client. Verb headers always
precede communication sent to the server from the client or from the server to the
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Correct the programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client
platform) - invalid data length received.
Explanation: The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because
an invalid verb length has been received from the client.
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Correct the programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client
platform) - excessively large verb received.
Explanation: The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because
an invalid verb length has been received from the client.
Version 3 Release 7
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Correct the programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client
platform) - invalid ″field name″ field found in ″verb name″ verb (offset offset
Explanation: The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because
an invalid field has been found in a verb sent from the client node.
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Correct the programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client
platform) - out-of-sequence verb (type verb name) received.
Explanation: The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because a
verb has been received that does not adhere to the client-server exchange sequence.
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: If the client generating the error is not an API client, contact your
service representative. If the client generating the error is an API client, contact the
owner of the API client. If the client generating the error is a client that you have
created using WDSF verbs, correct the programming error in your client program.
Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client
platform) - maximum group transaction size exceeded.
Explanation: The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because
the client has attempted to group more than the maximum database update
operations in a single database transaction.
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Correct the programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Session session number client client node name compression method unsupported
- Compression forced OFF. Please obtain the latest level of the client code.
Explanation: The client is using a compression method that is no longer supported
by the Server.
System Action: Server operation continues. The client’s backup operation
continues, without compressing the data.
User Response: The compression method used by the client is no longer
supported. In order to use compression, the client needs to be upgraded to a client
service level that supports the newer compression method.
Session session number space management migration operation for client client
node name (client platform) has been denied - Server is not in compliance with
license terms.
Explanation: The server refuses a client space management migration operation
because the current server configuration is not in compliance with license terms.
System Action: Server operation continues. Clients may perform any action except
backup, archive, or space-managed file migration.
User Response: Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance.
Session session number space management migration operation for client client
node name (client platform) has been denied - server is not licensed for space
management support.
Explanation: The server refuses a client space management migration operation
because the server is not licensed to support space-managed clients.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Licenses to support space-managed clients can be obtained from
your service provider or reseller. The REGISTER LICENSE command can be used
with these licenses to enable space management support.
Session session number space management migration operation for client client
node name (client platform) is in violation of server license terms - server is not
licensed for space management support.
Explanation: The server warns about a client space management migration
operation because the server is not licensed to support space-managed clients.
System Action: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: Licenses to support space-managed clients can be obtained from
your service provider or reseller. The REGISTER LICENSE command can be used
with these licenses to enable space management support.
Session session number for server server name (client platform) refused - server
name not defined for server to server communications.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a server session because the
requesting server name is not defined in the server database, or the requesting server
definition does not have a SERVERPASSWORD.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Register the requesting server name with the server before
establishing a session, or update the existing requesting server definition and set a
SERVERPASSWORD. An authorized administrator must use the DEFINE SERVER
or UPDATE SERVER command to register the requesting server and set the
Session session number for server server name (server platform) refused - invalid
password submitted.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a server session because an
invalid password has been submitted during sign-on processing. The server will
continue to deny access attempts by that server until valid passwords are submitted.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Set the proper passwords. If the password has been changed on
either server, an authorized administrator can set new passwords by using the
UPDATE SERVER command with the SERVERPASSWORD parameter.
Session for server server name refused - server name not defined for server to
server communications.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a server to server session
because a server name is not defined in the server database, or the server definition
does not have a SERVERPASSWORD. Server to server communications using the
serverpassword requires that the each server has had a server definition for the other
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Register the server names on both both servers before establishing
a session, or update the server’s existing server definition and set a
SERVERPASSWORD. An authorized administrator must use the DEFINE SERVER
or UPDATE SERVER command register the servers and set the passwords.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Server to server session refused - no password defined.
Explanation: The server to server session cannot be initiated because no server
password has been defined for this server.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Define a server password with the SET SERVERPASSWORD
command and retry the command.
Session rejected by server server name, reason: rejection reason.
Explanation: The server has attempted to open a session with the shown server.
The session was rejected for the indicated reason.
System Action: The operation fails.
User Response: Check both the servers for any additional messages that might
further describe the reason the session was rejected. For a reason of
AUTHENTICATION FAILURE, ensure that all passwords have been set correctly
on both servers. The password for the server (set by SET SERVERPASSWORD on
server X) and the password in the server definition (set by DEFINE or UPDATE
SERVER X SERVERPASSWORD=) are the same password. For a reason of
VERIFICATION FAILURE, use the QUERY SERVER command to determine that
the HLADDRESS and LLADDRESS of the target server are correct. If they are not,
correct them with the UPDATE SERVER command. If they are correct,
resyncronize with the target server by issuing the UPDATE SERVER
the target server is available and that TCPIP is available on both servers. For a
reason of NO RESOURCE, ensure that the receiving server is enabled, has
sufficient DB, LOG, and memory resource to support the source server session. For
a reason of INTERNAL ERROR, use the messages on the target server to determine
the problem and contact your service representative. Retry the failing operation.
Invalid Command command name for SNMP session.
Explanation: An SNMP administrative session attempted to run a command which
is not an macro invocation. SNMP administrative sessions are only allowed to issue
macro commands.
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Enter commands through the SNMP administrative interface
which are macros defined on the server.
Version 3 Release 7
Session rejected for server name server name at High level address Low level
address does not match.
Explanation: The server name at the address specified does not match the name in
the server definition. The connection is not established.
System Action: The server continues.
User Response: Insure the HLADDRESS and LLADDRESS in the define server
command are correct, and that the servername on the server being contacted
matches the name used in the DEFINE SERVER command.
Session for server server name refused - crossdefine is not allowed on this
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start a server to server session for
crossdefine because it is not allowed on this server. The server will deny any
sessions for crossdefine until crossdefine is allowed on this server.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: An authorized administrator must use the SET CROSSDEFINE
ON command to allow cross registration of servers.
Signon for administrator administrator name refused - invalid administrator
name and/or password submitted.
Explanation: The server refuses a request to start an administrative session
because an invalid administrator name and/or password has been submitted by the
user during sign-on processing. The server will continue to deny access attempts by
this administrator until a valid password is submitted, or until the administrator is
locked due to maximum number of invalid password attempts being exceeded.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Enter the proper password. If the password has been forgotten by
the user, an authorized administrator can assign a new password by using the
Open registration failed for session session number - node name node name
(client platform) already exists.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the client has specified a node name that is already registered on the server.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: The client program user must specify a different node name for
the client in the client options file.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Open registration failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - policy domain STANDARD does not exist.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the STANDARD policy domain does not exist. All nodes added to the server
database under open registration are automatically assigned to the STANDARD
policy domain. This policy domain must be defined and have an active policy set to
support open registration.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: If you want to support open registration, define a policy domain
using the DEFINE DOMAIN command with the name STANDARD and activate a
valid policy set in the domain. You can issue the UPDATE NODE command to
move nodes to different policy domains after the nodes have registered themselves
through open registration.
Open registration failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid node name.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the node name specified by the client is not valid.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Specify a node name in the options file of the client program that
contains valid characters and does not exceed the maximum length in size. Refer to
Using the Backup-Archive Client for a description of the node name restrictions.
Open registration failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid password.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the password name specified by the user is not valid.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Specify a password that uses valid characters and is less than the
maximum length in size. Refer to Using the Backup-Archive Client for a description
of the password restrictions.
Open registration failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - exceeded number of nodes available under license terms.
Explanation: The server detected an attempt to register more nodes than allowed
by the terms of the current license.
System Action: Server operation continues, but the REGISTER NODE command
fails, and the node is not registered.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance.
Open registration failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - policy domain STANDARD does not have an ACTIVE policy set.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session during open registration because
the STANDARD policy domain does not have an active policy set. All nodes added
to the server database under open registration are automatically assigned to the
STANDARD policy domain. This policy domain must be defined and have an
active policy set to support open registration.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: If you want to support open registration, define a policy domain
using the DEFINE DOMAIN command with the name STANDARD and activate a
valid policy set in the domain. You can issue the UPDATE NODE command to
move nodes to different policy domains after the nodes have registered themselves
through open registration.
Session session number for server server name (server platform) terminated -
connection with server severed.
Explanation: If server A has opened a connection with server B, server B’s
session is ended because the communications link has been closed by a network
error or by server A’s program.
System Action: Server A continues operation.
User Response: If server B halts operation or in some way stops communicating
with server A, this message will be displayed on server A indicating that the
connection was closed suddenly by server B. A network failure can also cause this
message to be displayed. If a large number of these messages occur simultaneously,
check the network for failure and correct any problems.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
connection with client severed.
Explanation: The specified client session is ended because the communications
link has been closed by a network error or by the client program.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: If a user breaks out of a client program, this message will be
displayed on the server as the connection is suddenly closed by the client. A
network failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If a large number of
these messages occur simultaneously, check the network for failure and correct any
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - client
did not respond within commtimeout seconds seconds.
Explanation: The server ends a client session because the client has been holding
database locks (a transaction was in progress) and the client has not responded in
the number of seconds specified by the COMMTIMEOUT parameter in the server
options file.
System Action: The server rolls back the transaction that has been in progress and
the session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: If a large number of these messages appear, you may want to
increment the value specified for the COMMTIMEOUT value in the server options
file and restart the server. The amount of time that it takes for a client to respond is
dependent upon the speed and processor load for the client and the network load.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - idle for
more than idletimeout minutes minutes.
Explanation: The server ends a client session because it has been idle for more
minutes than specified in the IDLETIMEOUT parameter in the server options file.
The client program will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server when
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: If the problems persists, increase the value specified for the
IDLETIMEOUT parameter in the server options file and restart the server. Many
times, the client program is idle while waiting for the user to choose an action to
perform (for example, backup, archive, restore, or retrieve files). If a user starts the
client program and does not choose an action to perform, the session will eventually
time out. The client program automatically reconnects to the server when the user
chooses an action that requires server participation. Note that a large number of idle
sessions can inadvertently prevent other users from connecting to the server, so care
should be used when increasing the IDLETIMEOUT parameter.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - forced
by administrator.
Explanation: The server ends a client session in response to a CANCEL
SESSION command issued by an authorized administrator.
System Action: The server rolls back any transactions in progress for the
terminated client session.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
protocol violation detected.
Explanation: The server ends the specified session because a communications
protocol error by the client has been detected.
System Action: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Examine the client message to determine the problem. Correct the
programming error in the client program. If the error cannot be isolated and
resolved, contact your service representative.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
sufficient memory is not available.
Explanation: The server ends the specified session because sufficient memory
(virtual memory) is not available.
System Action: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
internal error detected.
Explanation: The specified client session is ended by the server because an
internal processing error has been detected on the server. A programming error may
have occurred in the server program.
System Action: The session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
preempted by another operation.
Explanation: The server ends a client session in response to a cancel request
issued by a higher priority operation that needed the mount point that the client was
System Action: The server rolls back any transactions in progress for the
terminated client session.
User Response: Reissue the operation. If this message appears frequently, consider
increasing the mountlimit value for the affected device class.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
transfer rate is less than (transfer rate) and more than (elapsed time since first
data transfer) minutes have elapsed since first data transfer.
Explanation: The server is canceling client session number session number.
Depending on the state of the session, it may take a while for the session to be
canceled. The server ends a client session because it has been active for more
minutes than specified in the THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD parameter in the
server options file and the data transfer rate is less than the amount sepcified with
the THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD parameter in the server options file. The
client is transferring data to the server at an abnormally slow rate and may have
become a bottleneck for handling data from other clients. If the client has caused
log records to be written, it is possible that this client will prevent log space
System Action: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
User Response: If a low data transfer rate is not a problem, the
parameters in the server options file can be set to zero - this will disable the
throughput check. The change can be made without taking down the server and
restarting it by using the SETOPT THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD or the
SETOPT THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD commands. If a low data transfer rate
is not expected, external causes should be investigated. This would include network
problems and problems in accessing data on the client node. The client program
may automatically reconnect to the server, so this message may appear on
susbsequent sessions until the data transfer problem is resolved. The default server
operation is not to perform a throughput check.
Canceling session session number for node node name (client platform) .
Explanation: The server is canceling client session number session number. This
message is displayed in response to the CANCEL SESSION command. Depending
on the state of the session, it may take a while for the session to be canceled.
System Action: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
No matching session(s) found to cancel.
Explanation: The server cannot find any sessions to cancel matching the
specifications entered in the CANCEL SESSION command.
System Action: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: Use the QUERY SESSION command to ensure that the session
you wish to cancel is connected. Reissue the command using the appropriate session
number to cancel the client session.
All drives in use. Session session number for node node name (client platform)
being preempted by higher priority operation.
Explanation: When a high priority operation attempted to find an available drive,
all the drives were being used. To free up a drive for this operation, the client
session identified is being cancelled by the system.
System Action: The lower priority client session is cancelled to free up a mount
point (drive).
User Response: When a drive again becomes available, restart the session that was
cancelled. This session was most likely a backup/archive session and you may just
want to let it restart automatically during its next scheduled backup window. If this
message appears frequently, you may want to increase the number of drives
available. See the MOUNTLIMIT parameter on the UPDATE DEVCLASS
Restore session session number canceled.
Explanation: The specified session was canceled with the CANCEL RESTORE
System Action: The restore session is canceled and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Volume volume name in use. Session session number for node node name (client
platform) being preempted by higher priority operation.
Explanation: When a high priority operation attempted to acquire a specific
volume, it was being used. To free the volume for this operation, the client session
identified is being cancelled by the system.
System Action: The lower priority client session is cancelled to free up the
User Response: Restart the session that was cancelled, it will wait until the higher
priority operation if finished with the volume. This cancelled session was most
likely a backup/archive session and you may just want to let it restart automatically
during its next scheduled backup window.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid password submitted.
Explanation: The server ends a password update transaction because the user has
not correctly specified the current password.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Update your password by correctly specifying the current
password. If the current password has been misplaced, the administrator can
reassign a password for the client by using the UPDATE NODE or UPDATE
ADMIN command.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid policy binding specified.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because an invalid management class has been specified for a file or
directory object.
System Action: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Correct the programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - storage pool pool name is not defined.
Explanation: The server rolls back a database update transaction for the specified
session because the destination specified for a management class copy group
specifies the named storage pool, but that storage pool does not exist.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: An administrator with policy authority over the client policy
domain must correct management class definitions so that copy group destinations
refer to defined storage pools, or the specified storage pool must be created by an
authorized administrator.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - object excluded by size in storage pool pool name and all successor
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because the size of a file sent from the client node is larger than that
Version 3 Release 7
allowed in the storage pool specified in the client’s management class copy group.
No successor storage pools to the one specified on the copy group can accept the
large file.
System Action: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: If the client is not using compression to send files to the host,
turn compression on for the client (using the UPDATE NODE command) to try and
resolve the problem. Otherwise, the maximum file size for one or more of the
storage pools in the storage hierarchy can be increased to accommodate the file. An
authorized administrator can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - no space available in storage pool pool name and all successor pools.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because the storage pool specified in the client’s management class copy
group does not contain enough free space to hold the files sent from the client.
Successor storage pools to the one specified on the copy group do not contain
enough free space.
System Action: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME
command to add storage to one or more storage pools in the storage hierarchy. This
action may also involve creating storage space by using an operating system specific
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - error on output storage device.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified client
because an I/O error has been encountered by the server in writing to a device.
System Action: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Query the activity log to find messages preceding this one that
specify the failing device. Storage pool volumes can be varied offline (by using the
VARY command), or the server may need to be halted to correct the hardware
problem. After the problem is corrected, the client should retry the operation.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - data transfer interrupted.
Explanation: The database transaction associated with session session number was
aborted because data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted by an external
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
System Action: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
User Response: Examine the messages issued prior to this message to determine
why the data transfer was interrupted. Attempt the client operation again if the
problem can be resolved.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - storage media inaccessible.
Explanation: The server ends a transaction for the specified session because
storage volumes are not available in the storage pools in which the client’s files are
to be stored.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME
command to add storage to one or more storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The
VARY ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage volumes online in the
storage hierarchy to make them available to client nodes for file storage.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - sufficient recovery log space is not available.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because sufficient log space is not available on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
LOGVOLUME command to add volumes for use by the log, and can issue the
EXTEND LOG command to extend the size of the log so that the new volumes are
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - sufficient database space is not available.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because sufficient database space is not available on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE DBVOLUME
command to add volumes for use by the database, and can issue the EXTEND DB
command to extend the size of the database so that the new volumes are used.
Version 3 Release 7
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - thread resource not available.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because sufficient memory is not available for starting additional processes
on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because sufficient memory is not available on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - internal server error detected.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because an internal logic error is detected.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Examine the server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error. Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid file space identifier specified by client.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because the file space identified by the client for the transaction does not
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
System Action: This action usually occurs when a client is operating on a file
space that is currently being deleted as a result of an administrative command or
client action. The server ends the specified session and server operation continues.
User Response: Use the QUERY PROCESS command to monitor and wait for
any file space deletion processes to complete, or cancel the process if you do not
want to delete the file space. Try the client action again after this action has been
DiagnosticID: Transaction transaction ID was aborted for session session number
for node node name (client platform).
Explanation: An error has been detected during a transaction commit for the
specified session. This message should be preceded by other messages that give
additional information about the failed transaction.
System Action: The activity that generated this error fails.
User Response: Check for additional messages and eliminate the condition that
caused the failed transaction. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact
your service representative.
Transaction failed for session session number - compression method used by
client not supported. Please obtain the latest level of the client code.
Explanation: The server ends the transaction for the specified session because the
compression method that is used by the client is no longer supported by the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: The client must either backup the data with compression turned
off, or upgrade to a client that supports the newer compression method. If the client
is a WDSF client, upgrade to a non-WDSF client in order to use the compression
performed by the client.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - size estimate exceeded and server is unable to obtain additional
space in storage pool pool name.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because the size estimate provided by the client is too small. The server has
attempted to obtain additional space in the indicated storage pool, but was unable to
do so.
System Action: The specified session is ended and server operation continues. If
pool name is a random access storage pool with caching enabled, it is also possible
that additional space can be made available in this storage pool by eliminating
Version 3 Release 7
cached files. When the server allocates space based on the size estimate provided by
the client, it frees space occupied by cached files if this space is needed to obtain
the estimated space. However, if the server later determines that the file size
estimate was too low, it attempts to obtain additional space that is not utilized, but
does not delete cached files to do so. If the client sending the data has the option
COMPRESSALWAYS YES set, it is possible that a file grew during the
compression operation and when the client sent it to the server it exceeded the space
available in storage pool pool name.
User Response: This message may indicate that there is no additional space in
pool name. The following are possible circumventions:
An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME command to add
storage to this pool.
If the suspected cause of the failure is that pool name is a DISK storage pool and
that space in use by cached files was not freed, turn off caching for the storage pool
and issue the MOVE DATA command for the volumes in pool pool name.
If the suspected cause of the failure is that a file grew in size during compression
on the client, another possible circumvention is to set the COMPRESSALWAYS
option in the client options file to NO and retry the operation. This may allow the
client to accurately report the file size and possibly avoid the out of space condition
in the storage pool.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - insufficient mount points available to satisfy the request.
Explanation: The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount points to process
the transaction.
System Action: The operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: If necessary, make more mount points available.
Transaction failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - downlevel client does not support format of stored files.
Explanation: A client attempts to perform an operation involving files that are
stored in a format that is not supported by that client level.
System Action: The operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Upgrade the client to a later level.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - data integrity error detected.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified session
because an internal database integrity error has been encountered on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - error on input storage device.
Explanation: The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation for the
specified session because an I/O error has been encountered by the server in reading
from a device.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Query the activity log to find messages preceding this one that
specify the device that is failing. Storage pool volumes can be varied offline (by
using the VARY OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be shut down by
using the HALT command to correct the hardware problem. After the problem is
corrected, the client may try the operation again.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - storage media inaccessible.
Explanation: The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation for the
specified session because a needed storage pool volume has been varied offline.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Use the VARY ONLINE command to vary offline storage
volumes online in the storage hierarchy, and make them available to client nodes for
file storage.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - data transfer interrupted.
Explanation: The database transaction associated with session session number was
aborted because data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted by an external
System Action: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: Examine the messages issued prior to this message to determine
why the data transfer was interrupted. Attempt the client operation again, if the
problem can be resolved.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - thread resource not available.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval or restore operation for the specified
session because sufficient memory is not available for starting additional processes
on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval or restore operation for the specified
session because sufficient memory is not available on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - internal server error detected.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval or restore operation for the specified
session because an internal logic error is detected in the server program.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Examine the server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Invalid data was encountered in the command processor output stream: output
formatting terminated for the last command entered.
Explanation: The server console session encounters an error in formatting output
from a command.
System Action: The command output is discarded and server operation continues.
User Response: Use the server QUERY command to determine if the command
you entered had the desired affect in the server. Use the QUERY ACTLOG
command to see if a server error condition (like out of memory) occurred prior to
the command. Resolve the error if it is found. Contact your service representative if
you cannot resolve the error, or if an error is not found.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) processing filespace filespace for file file name stored as storage
repository - data integrity error detected.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified session
because an internal database integrity error has been encountered on the server.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Re-try the restore or retrieve operation and if the file is also
backed up in a copy storage pool, the operation will attempt to read the file from
the alternate location.
Retrieve or restore failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - file was deleted from data storage during retrieval.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified session
because the file has been deleted from data storage by another process before
retrieval is complete.
System Action: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Contact your administrator to find out if DELETE FILESPACE,
DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration processes are running; these processes
can delete data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the restore or retrieve
operation and specify a different file version.
Retrieve or restored failed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - insufficient mount points available to satisfy the request.
Explanation: The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount points to process
the retrieve or restore operation.
System Action: The operation is ended and server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: If necessary, make more mount points available.
Session session number for admin admin name (client platform) terminated -
connection with client severed.
Explanation: The specified admin session is ended because the communications
link has been closed by a network error or by the client program.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: If a user breaks out of a client program, this message will be
displayed on the server as the connection is suddenly closed by the client. A
network failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If a large number of
these messages occur simultaneously, check the network for failure and correct any
Object not processed for node name: type=type, file space=filespace name,
object=object name.
Explanation: An error occurred. The object for node name, identified by type, file
space and object name was not processed.
System Action: Server action is defined by the error that occurred.
User Response: Issue QUERY ACTLOG to determine the source of the error.
Export command: Invalid value for DURUNITS parameter detected while
exporting administrative schedule schedule name - default or existing value is
used during import.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, an invalid value is
encountered for the DURUNITS parameter for administrative schedule schedule
System Action: Export processing continues, but the exported data contains an
unknown DURUNITS value for this schedule. If this data is imported, the server
uses the default or existing DURUNITS value.
User Response: Update the DURUNITS value for this schedule and restart the
export command. Alternatively, the export data with the unknown value can be used,
and the DURUNITS value can be checked and updated after import processing has
been performed.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Export command: Invalid value for PERUNITS parameter detected while
exporting administrative schedule schedule name - default or existing value is
used during import.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, an invalid value is
encountered for the PERUNITS parameter for administrative schedule schedule
System Action: Export processing continues, but the exported data will contain an
unknown PERUNITS value for this schedule. If this data is imported, the server
uses the default or existing PERUNITS value.
User Response: Update the PERUNITS value for this schedule and restart the
export command. Alternatively, use the export data with the unknown value, and
check and update the PERUNITS value after import processing has been performed.
Export command: Invalid value for DAYOFWEEK parameter detected while
exporting administrative schedule schedule name - default or existing value is
used during import.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, an invalid value is
encountered for the DAYOFWEEK parameter for administrative schedule schedule
System Action: Export processing continues, but the exported data contains an
unknown DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule. If this data is imported, the server
uses the default or existing DAYOFWEEK value.
User Response: Update the DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule and restart the
export command. Alternatively, use the export data with the unknown value, and
check and update the DAYOFWEEK value after import processing has been
Export/import command: Processing administrative schedule schedule name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the schedule definition information
for administrative schedule schedule name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7
Import command: Invalid value for DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter in
exported data for administrative schedule schedule name.
Explanation: During preview processing of command import command, an invalid
value is encountered for the DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter for
administrative schedule schedule name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues. If a later command is
issued that causes the data to be imported, the default or existing values are used for
User Response: If the data is imported with a later command, verify that the
correct values for DURATION, DURUNITS, PERIOD, and PERUNITS are used for
this schedule.
Import command: Invalid value for DAYOFWEEK parameter in exported data
for administrative schedule schedule name.
Explanation: During preview processing of command import command, an invalid
value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK parameter for administrative schedule
schedule name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues. If a later command is
issued that causes the data to be imported, the default or existing DAYOFWEEK
value is used.
User Response: If the data is imported with a later command, verify that the
correct DAYOFWEEK value is used for this schedule.
Import command: Invalid value for DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter in
exported data - administrative schedule schedule name defined with default
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter for administrative
schedule schedule name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the default values
User Response: Verify that the correct values have been used for DURATION,
DURUNITS, PERIOD, and PERUNITS. Update these values, if necessary.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Import command: Invalid value for DAYOFWEEK parameter in exported data -
administrative schedule schedule name defined with default DAYOFWEEK
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the DAYOFWEEK parameter for administrative schedule schedule
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the default
DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule.
User Response: Verify that the correct DAYOFWEEK value has been used for this
schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
Import command: Invalid value for DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter in
exported data - existing values for DURATION, DURUNITS PERIOD, and
PERUNITS for administrative schedule schedule name were not updated.
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter for administrative
schedule schedule name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the existing values
User Response: Verify that the correct values have been used for DURATION,
DURUNITS, PERIOD, and PERUNITS. Update these values, if necessary.
Import command: Invalid value for DAYOFWEEK parameter in exported data -
existing DAYOFWEEK value for administrative schedule schedule name was
not updated.
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the DAYOFWEEK parameter for administrative schedule schedule
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the existing
DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule.
User Response: Verify that the correct DAYOFWEEK value has been used for this
schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
Version 3 Release 7
Export command: Invalid value for SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter
detected while exporting management class management class name in domain
domain name, set policy set name - default or existing value is used during
Explanation: During processing of command export command, an invalid value is
encountered for the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management class
management class name in domain domain name, policy set policy set name.
System Action: Export processing continues, but the exported data contains an
unknown SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this management class. If this data is
imported, the default or existing SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value is used.
User Response: Update the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this copy group
and restart the export. Alternatively, use the export data with the unknown value,
and check and update the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value after import processing
has been performed.
Export command: Invalid value for MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter detected
while exporting management class management class name in domain domain
name, set policy set name - default or existing value is used during import.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, an invalid value is
encountered for the MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter for management class
management class name in domain domain name, policy set policy set name.
System Action: Export processing continues, but the exported data contains an
unknown value for this management class. If this data is imported, the default or
existing MIGREQUIRESBKUP value is used.
User Response: Update the MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for this copy group and
restart the export. Alternatively, use the export data with the unknown value, and
check and update the MIGREQUIRESBKUP value after import processing has been
Import command: Invalid value for SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter in
exported data for management class management class name in domain domain
name, set policy set name.
Explanation: During preview processing of command import command, an invalid
value is encountered for the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management
class management class name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy set
System Action: Processing of the command continues. If a later command is
issued that causes the data to be imported, the default or existing
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: None. If the data is imported with a later command, verify that
the correct SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value is used for this management class.
Import command: Invalid value for SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter in
exported data - management class management class name in domain domain
name, set policy set name defined with default SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value.
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management class
management class name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy set name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the default
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this management class.
User Response: Verify that the correct SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value has been
used for this management class. Update this value, if necessary.
Import command: Invalid value for SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter in
exported data - SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for management class
management class name in domain domain name, set policy set name was not
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management class
management class name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy set name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the existing
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this management class.
User Response: Verify that the correct SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value has been
used for this management class. Update this value, if necessary.
Import command: Invalid value for MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter in
exported data for management class management class name in domain domain
name, set policy set name.
Explanation: During preview processing of command import command, an invalid
value is encountered for the MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter for management class
management class name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy set name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues. If a later command causes
the data to be imported, the default or existing MIGREQUIRESBKUP value is used.
User Response: None. If the data is imported with a later command, verify that
the correct MIGREQUIRESBKUP value is used for this management class.
Version 3 Release 7
Import command: Invalid value for MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter in
exported data - management class management class name in domain domain
name, set policy set name defined with default MIGREQUIRESBKUP value.
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter for management class
management class name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy set name.
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the default
MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for this management class.
User Response: Verify that the correct MIGREQUIRESBKUP value has been used
for this management class. Update this value, if necessary.
Import command: Invalid value for MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter in
exported data - MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for management class management
class name in domain domain name, set policy set name was not updated.
Explanation: During processing of command import command, an invalid value is
encountered for the MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter.
System Action: Processing of the command continues, by using the existing
MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for this management class.
User Response: Verify that the correct MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter has been
used for this management class. Update this value, if necessary.
Import command: Server is down-level compared to export data version version
Explanation: An attempt is made to import data to a down-level server. The server
on which the import is performed must be at the same or later level than the server
from which the data was exported.
System Action: The import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Import to a server that is at the same or later level than the server
from which the export was performed.
Import command: Preview processing terminated abnormally - server is
Explanation: Processing for the command import command in preview mode ends
when it is determined that the server is down-level compared to the export data.
System Action: Import processing ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Import to a server that is at the same or later level than the server
from which the export was performed.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Import command: Processing terminated abnormally - server is down-level.
Explanation: Processing for the command import command ends when it is
determined that the server is down-level compared to the export data.
System Action: Import processing ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Import to a server that is at the same or later level than the server
from which the export was performed.
Export/import command: Invalid value for FILELIST parameter - parameter
Explanation: The value (parameter value) specified for the FILELIST parameter
in command export/import command is not a valid value for this parameter.
System Action: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a valid FILELIST parameter.
For information on valid values for the FILELIST parameter for the command, refer
to the Administrator’s Reference for your particular platform.
Export/import command: Invalid value for TOC parameter - parameter value.
Explanation: The value (parameter value) specified for the TOC parameter in
command export/import command is not a valid value for this parameter.
System Action: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a valid TOC parameter. For
information on valid values for the TOC parameter for the command, refer to the
Administrator’s Reference for your particular platform.
Export/import command: Invalid value for NOSPAN parameter - parameter
Explanation: The value (parameter value) specified for the NOSPAN parameter in
command export/import command is not a valid value for this parameter.
System Action: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a valid NOSPAN parameter.
For information on valid values for the NOSPAN parameter for the command, refer
to the Administrator’s Reference for your particular platform.
device class: NOSPAN parameter can only be used with a 3590 device class.
Explanation: The device class specified must be a 3590 device class when
NOSPAN is set to True.
Version 3 Release 7
System Action: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a valid NOSPAN/Device Class
parameter. For information on valid values for the NOSPAN parameter for the
command, refer to the Administrator’s Reference for your particular platform.
Space-managed object object name for client node node name, filespace filespace
name already exists on the server - it will be skipped.
Explanation: While attempting to import a spaced-managed object, the server
discovers that the object already exists. The space-managed object is skipped.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
IMPORT: Space management attributes in management class management class
name for domain domain name is not defined - default management class will be
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that the space
management attributes for a space-managed file being imported does not exist in the
active policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
System Action: The default management class for the node’s policy domain is
bound to the space-managed file and import processing continues.
User Response: If you want to define the missing management class, an
authorized administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing space
management attributes or management class for the domain, and process the import
operation again.
IMPORT: Space management attributes not found for default management
class in domain domain name - space managed files bound to management class
management class name in this domain cannot be imported.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
bound to a space-managed file being imported does not exist in the active policy set
for the domain to which the node is assigned. When trying to rebind the
space-managed file to the default management class for the domain, the server finds
that the space-managed attributes are not defined for the default management class.
System Action: The file is not imported; import processing continues.
User Response: If you want to define the missing copy group, an authorized
administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing space
management attributes or management class for the domain, and process the import
operation again.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Export/import command: Invalid volume name volume name specified for device
class device class name.
Explanation: One of the volume names specified in the VOLUMENAMES
parameter for an import or export command is not a valid volume name for the
device class specified in the DEVCLASS parameter.
System Action: The export or import command fails.
User Response: Specify volume names in the VOLUMENAMES parameter that
are valid for the device class specified in the DEVCLASS parameter.
Export command: No matching policy domains found for exporting.
Explanation: The background export process does not find any policy domains
that match the specification entered in the export command.
System Action: The export process continues and no policy domains are exported
from the server.
User Response: None.
Export command: No policy sets found in policy domain domain name for
Explanation: The background export process does not find any policy sets defined
in domains matching domain name.
System Action: The export process continues and no policy sets are exported from
the domain.
User Response: None.
Export command: No management classes were found in policy domain domain
name for exporting.
Explanation: The background export process does not find any management
classes defined in policy domains matching domain name.
System Action: The export process continues and no management classes are
exported from the domain.
User Response: None.
Export command: No copy groups were found in policy domain domain name for
Explanation: The background export process does not find any copy groups
defined in policy domains matching domain name.
Version 3 Release 7
System Action: The export process continues and no copy groups are exported
from the domain.
User Response: None.
Export command: No schedules were found in policy domain domain name for
Explanation: The background export process does not find any schedules defined
for policy domains matching domain name.
System Action: The export process continues and no schedules are exported for
the domain.
User Response: None.
Export command: No schedule associations were found in policy domain domain
name for exporting.
Explanation: The background export process does not find any schedule node
associations defined for policy domains matching domain name.
System Action: The export process continues and no schedule associations are
exported for the domain.
User Response: None.
Export command: No node definitions were found for exporting.
Explanation: The background export process does not find any node definitions to
export as specified in the command export command.
System Action: The export process continues.
User Response: None.
Export command: No administrator definitions were found for exporting.
Explanation: The background export process does not find any administrator
definitions to export as specified in the command export command.
System Action: The export process continues.
User Response: None.
Export command: No file spaces were found for exporting.
Explanation: The background export process does not find any file space
definitions to export as specified in the command export command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
System Action: The export process continues.
User Response: None.
Command started as process process ID.
Explanation: A background process has been started to service the command
command. The background process is defined as process process ID.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: To query the progress of the background process, use the QUERY
PROCESS command. To cancel the background process, use the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Use the process ID number to specify this specific process.
Command started by administrator name as process process ID.
Explanation: A background process has started to service the command command
entered by administrator administrator name. The background process is defined as
process process ID.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: To query the progress of the background process, use the QUERY
PROCESS command. To cancel the background process, use the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Use the process ID number to specify this specific process.
Command started by administrator name as process process ID has ended.
Explanation: The background process to service the command command by
administrator administrator name has completed processing.
System Action: The specified process ends, and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Import command: Reading EXPORT SERVER data from server server name
exported export date export time.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is importing information exported from server server name with the
EXPORT SERVER command on export date at export time.
System Action: Import processing continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7
Import command: Reading EXPORT POLICY data from server server name
exported export date export time.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is importing information exported from server server name with the
EXPORT POLICY command on export date at export time.
System Action: Import processing continues.
User Response: None.
Import command: Reading EXPORT ADMIN data from server server name
exported export date export time.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is importing information exported from server server name with the
EXPORT ADMIN command on export date at export time.
System Action: Import processing continues.
User Response: None.
Import command: Reading EXPORT NODE data from server server name
exported export date export time.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is importing information exported from server server name with the
EXPORT NODE command on export date at export time.
System Action: Import processing continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Preview processing completed successfully.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command in preview (Preview=Yes) mode has completed successfully.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Statistics
on the projected number and type of objects moved, together with the projected
total number of bytes copied, are displayed on the server console following this
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Export/import command: Processing completed with status status.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command has completed with status status. If the status is
INCOMPLETE, some files have been skipped due to errors reading or writing the
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Statistics
on the number and type of objects moved, together with the total number of bytes
copied, are displayed on the server console following this message. A summary of
the number of files that were skipped is also displayed.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Preview processing canceled before completion.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command in preview (Preview=Yes) mode has been canceled with the
System Action: Export or import processing for the command ends. Statistics on
the projected number and type of objects moved, together with the projected total
number of bytes copied, are displayed on the server console following this message.
User Response: None.
Command: Processing canceled before completion.
Explanation: The background process to service the command command has been
canceled with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
System Action: Processing for the command command ends. Statistics on the
number and type of objects moved, together with the total number of bytes copied,
are displayed on the server console following this message.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number domain(s).
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number policy domain definitions from the server
database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data is not
actually moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7
Export/import command: Copied number policy sets.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number policy set definitions from the server
database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data is not
actually moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number management classes.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number management class definitions from the
server database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data
is not moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import command.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number copy groups.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number copy group definitions from either the server
database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data is not
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import command.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number schedules.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number schedule definitions from either the server
database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data is not
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import command.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Export/import command: Copied number administrators.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number administrator definitions from either the
server database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data
is not moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import command.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number node definitions.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number client node definitions from the server
database to export media or from export media into the server database. Data is not
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import command.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied filespace number file space archive number
archive files, backup number backup files, and spacemg number space managed
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies filespace number client file space definitions, archive
number archive file copies, backup number backup file copies, and spacemg number
space-managed files from either the server database to export media or from import
media into the server database. Data is not actually moved if Preview=Yes is
specified in the command export/import command.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number bytes of data.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number bytes of data from the server database and
data storage to the export media or from the export media to the server database and
data storage. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command
Version 3 Release 7
export/import command. This figure can be used during export preview processing
to estimate the number of removable media volumes needed to hold the exported
information from the server.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number kilobytes of data.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number kilobytes of data from the server database
and data storage to the export media or from the export media to the server database
and data storage. This figure can be used during export preview processing to
estimate the number of removable media volumes needed to hold the exported
information from the server.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number megabytes of data.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number megabytes of data from the server database
and data storage to the export media or from the export media to the server database
and data storage. This figure can be used during export preview processing to
estimate the number of removable media volumes needed to hold the exported
information from the server.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number gigabytes of data.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number gigabytes of data from the server database
and data storage to the export media or from the export media to the server database
and data storage. This figure can be used during export preview processing to
estimate the number of removable media volumes needed to hold the exported
information from the server.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Copied number terabytes of data.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command copies number terabytes of data from the server database
and data storage to the export media or from the export media to the server database
and data storage. This figure can be used during export preview processing to
estimate the number of removable media volumes needed to hold the exported
information from the server.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Detected number errors.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command detects number errors while copying information from the
server database and data storage to the export media or from the export media to the
server database and data storage.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Examine the server messages issued prior to this message to view
the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and search
for messages.
Export/import command: Processing node node name in domain domain name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the client node definition
information for node node name. The node will be imported to domain domain
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Import command: Processing file space filespace name for node node name as file
space new filespace name.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is currently processing the client file space definition information for file
space filespace name belonging to client node node name. The file space is
imported under the name new filespace name. During import processing, file spaces
Version 3 Release 7
defined for clients are not replaced, and file copy information in the file spaces are
imported to new file space names so that client file copies are not mixed with
existing definitions. Import processing can then create file spaces with names
generated by the import processor for client nodes that existed prior to the import
System Action: Import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None; however, clients may want to examine the contents of the
file space with the name new filespace name so that they know where certain file
copies are kept.
Export/import command: Processing file space filespace name for node node name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing client node file space information for
file space filespace name belonging to client node node name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Processing administrator administrator name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the administrator definition
information for administrator administrator name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Processing domain domain name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the policy domain definition
information for domain domain name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Processing policy set set name in policy domain domain
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the policy set definition information
for policy set set name belonging to policy domain domain name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Processing management class class name in domain
domain name, set set name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the management class definition
information for management class class name belonging to policy set set name in
policy domain domain name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Processing backup copy group in domain domain name,
set set name, management class class name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the backup copy group definition
information for management class class name belonging to policy set set name in
policy domain domain name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: Processing archive copy group in domain domain name,
set set name, management class class name.
Explanation: The background export process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the archive copy group definition
information for management class class name belonging to policy set set name in
policy domain domain name.
System Action: Export processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export command: Processing copy group of unknown type in domain domain
name, set set name, management class class name.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export command is currently processing copy group definition information for
management class class name belonging to policy set set name in policy domain
domain name. The type of copy group being processed is unknown.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues. The
import or export process assumes that the copy group is a backup copy group.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: After policy definitions are imported, use the QUERY
MGMTCLASS and QUERY COPYGROUP commands to query the server
definitions for management class class name to ensure that the copy groups defined
have the desired attributes and types. Alternatively, the copy group can be deleted
and defined with the correct type, and then the export command can be issued
Export/import command: Processing schedule schedule name in domain domain
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command is currently processing the schedule definition information
for schedule schedule name belonging to policy domain domain name.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues.
User Response: None.
Export/import command: message
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command has received the message message from the server.
System Action: Export or import processing for the command continues, but errors
may have been encountered.
User Response: Examine the documentation for the message message and resolve
the problem reported.
Cancel in progress
Explanation: The export or import operation has been canceled and will end when
resources have been freed for the background process. This message may be
displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS command for an export or import
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Have copied the following:
Explanation: The export or import operation has copied the number and types of
objects displayed. This message may be displayed in response to a QUERY
PROCESS command for an export or import operation.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Import command: Domain domain name does not exist - the system will attempt
to import node node name to domain STANDARD.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is currently processing client node node name. This node was assigned to
domain domain name at the time of export. However, domain domain name does
not exist on the server to which the import is being performed.
System Action: Import processing continues, but node node name will be assigned
to domain STANDARD during import unless one of the following conditions exist:
Node node name is already registered and Replacedefs=No
Domain STANDARD does not exist
User Response: If Preview=Yes, consider defining domain domain name before
nodes are actually imported. Otherwise, domain domain name can be created after
the node is imported and the UPDATE NODE command can be used to assign the
node to domain domain name.
IMPORT: Archive copygroup copy group name in management class
management class name for domain domain name is not defined, default
management class will be used.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
or copy group bound to an archive file being imported does not exist in the active
policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
System Action: The default management class for the node’s policy domain is
bound to the archive file and import processing continues.
User Response: If you want to define the missing management class, an
authorized administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing
management class or copy group for the domain, and process the import operation
IMPORT: Backup copygroup copy group name in management class
management class name for domain domain name is not defined, default
management class will be used.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
or copy group bound to a backup file being imported does not exist in the active
policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
System Action: The default management class for the node’s policy domain is
bound to the backup file copy and import processing continues.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: If you want to define the missing management class, an
authorized administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing
management class or copy group for the domain, and process the import operation
IMPORT: Archive copygroup not found for default management class in
domain domain name - archive files bound to management class management
class name in this domain cannot be imported.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
or copy group bound to an archive file being imported does not exist in the active
policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned. When trying to rebind the
archive file to the default management class for the domain, the server finds that an
archive copy group is not defined for the default management class.
System Action: The file is not imported; import processing continues.
User Response: If you want to define the missing copy group, an authorized
administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing management class
or copy group for the domain, and process the import operation again.
IMPORT: Backup copygroup not found for default management class in
domain domain name - backup files bound to management class management
class name in this domain cannot be imported.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
or copy group bound to a backup file being imported does not exist in the active
policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned. When trying to rebind the
backup file to the default management class for the domain, the server finds that a
backup copy group is not defined for the default management class.
System Action: The file is not imported; import processing continues.
User Response: If you want to define the missing copy group, an authorized
administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing management class
or copy group for the domain, and process the import operation again.
Command: Retrieve or restore failed - file was deleted from data storage during
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified command
because the file has been deleted from data storage by another process before
retrieval is complete.
System Action: The server ends the command and continues operation.
User Response: Contact your administrator to find out if DELETE FILESPACE,
DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration processes are running; these processes
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
can delete data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the command after these
processes have been completed or canceled.
Export/import command: Skipped archive number archive files, backup number
backup files, and spacemg number space managed files.
Explanation: The background export or import process to service the command
export/import command skipped archive number archive file copies, backup number
backup file copies, and spacemg number space-managed files from either the server
database to export media or from import media into the server database. Data is not
actually moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command export/import
System Action: Export or import processing for the command completes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Check previous messages for the names of the files that were not
exported or imported, and problem determination information.
Export command: Invalid authorization rule type rule type encountered for file
space filespace name in node node name - both backup and archive will be
assumed during import.
Explanation: During import processing, the server encounters an invalid file space
authorization rule type for the indicated file space and node.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: After import processing is completed, ask the user of node node
name to query the access rules and ensure that they are specified as desired. The
user should correct any rules that grant access to objects that the user does not want
others to access.
Export command: The password for administrator administrator name could not
be obtained. The value ’password value’ will be assumed: The system
administrator may wish to change this password after importing administrator
administrator name.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, the export
processor cannot obtain the password for administrator administrator name. The
value password value is assigned as the password for the administrator on the export
System Action: Processing of the command continues.
User Response: After the administrative definition has been imported to another
server, an authorized administrator should use the UPDATE ADMIN command to
set a password for the administrator administrator name.
Version 3 Release 7
Export command: The password for node node name could not be obtained. The
value ’password value’ will be assumed: The system administrator may wish to
change this password after importing node node name.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, the export
processor cannot obtain the password for client node node name. The value
password value is assigned as the password for the client node on the export media.
System Action: Processing of the command continues.
User Response: After the client node definition has been imported to another
server, an authorized administrator should use the UPDATE NODE command to set
a password for the node node name.
Command: Insufficient memory available in accessing data storage.
Explanation: The server encounters a memory shortage in accessing data storage
during command command operation.
System Action: The command command operation ends and server operation
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Command: Internal error encountered in accessing data storage.
Explanation: The server encounters an internal error in accessing data storage
while processing command command operation.
System Action: The command command operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine messages prior
to this error to determine the cause of the data storage failure. If the failure can be
found and resolved, reissue the command command operation. If the failure cannot
be found, contact your service representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
Command: Output error encountered in accessing data storage.
Explanation: The command command operation ends because an error has been
encountered by the server in writing to a device. Possible reasons include:
I/O error writing to a device
No storage space.
System Action: The command command operation ends and server operation
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
User Response: Query the activity log to find messages preceding this one to
determine the cause of the error. After the problem is corrected, the command can
be retried.
Command: Data transfer was interrupted in accessing data storage.
Explanation: The database transaction associated with command command
operation failed because data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted by an
external event.
System Action: The command command operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Examine the messages issued prior to this message to determine
why the data transfer was interrupted. Reissue the command command after the
problem is resolved.
Export/import command: Media not accessible in accessing data storage.
Explanation: The server ends a transaction for an export or import operation
because storage volumes are not available in the storage pools in which the client
files are to be stored.
System Action: The server ends the export or import operation and server
operation continues.
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME
command to add storage to one or more storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The
VARY ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage volumes online in the
storage hierarchy to make them available for file storage.
Import command: Transaction failed - storage pool pool name is not defined.
Explanation: The server rolls back a database update transaction for an import
operation because the destination specified for a management class copy group
specifies the named storage pool, but that storage pool does not exist.
System Action: The import operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: An administrator with policy authority over the client policy
domain must correct management class definitions so that copy group destinations
refer to defined storage pools, or the specified storage pool must be created by an
authorized administrator.
Version 3 Release 7
Import command: Transaction failed - object excluded by size in storage pool
pool name and all successor pools.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for an import
operation because the size of an imported file is larger than that allowed in the
storage pool specified in the bound management class copy group for the file. No
successor storage pools to the one specified on the copy group can accept the large
System Action: The import operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: The maximum file size for one or more of the storage pools in
the storage hierarchy can be increased to accommodate the file. An authorized
administrator can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the UPDATE
STGPOOL command. Alternatively, the appropriate copygroup definition can be
updated so that a different destination storage pool is specified.
Import command: Transaction failed - no space available in storage pool pool
name and all successor pools.
Explanation: The server ends an import operation because the storage pool
specified in a management class copy group does not contain enough free space to
hold the files being imported. Successor storage pools to the one specified on the
copy group do not contain enough free space.
System Action: The import operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME
command to add storage to one or more storage pools in the storage hierarchy.
Export/import command: Transaction failed - error on output storage device.
Explanation: The server ends an export or import operation for the specified
session because an I/O error has been encountered by the server in writing to a
System Action: The server ends the export or import operation and server
operation continues.
User Response: Query the activity log to find messages preceding this one that
specify the device that is failing. Storage pool volumes can be varied offline (by
using the VARY OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be shut down by
using the HALT command to correct the hardware problem. After the problem is
corrected, the client may be able to try the operation again.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
Export/import command: Transaction failed - data transfer interrupted.
Explanation: The database transaction associated with an export or import
operation failed because data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted by an
external event.
System Action: The export or import operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Examine the messages issued prior to this message to determine
why the data transfer was interrupted. Attempt the export/import operation again
after problem is resolved.
Export/import command: Transaction failed - storage media inaccessible.
Explanation: The server ends a transaction for an export or import operation
because storage volumes are not available in the storage pools in which the client
files are to be stored.
System Action: The server ends the export or import operation and server
operation continues.
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE VOLUME
command to add storage to one or more storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The
VARY ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage volumes online in the
storage hierarchy to make them available for file storage.
Export/import command: Transaction failed - sufficient recovery log space is not
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for an export or
import operation because sufficient log space is not available on the server.
System Action: The server ends the export or import operation and server
operation continues.
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
LOGVOLUME command to add volumes for use by the log, and the EXTEND
LOG command to extend the size of the log so that the new volumes are used.
Export/import command: Transaction failed - sufficient database space is not
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for an export or
import operation because sufficient database space is not available on the server.
System Action: The server ends the export or import operation and server
operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7
User Response: An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE DBVOLUME
command to add volumes for use by the database, and the EXTEND DB command
to extend the size of the log so that the new volumes are used.
Export/import command: Data storage retrieve or restore failed - data integrity
error detected.
Explanation: The server ends an export or import operation because an internal
database integrity error has been encountered on the server.
System Action: The server ends the export or import operation and continues
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Export command: Retrieve failed - error on input storage device.
Explanation: The server ends an export operation for the specified session because
an I/O error has been encountered by the server in reading from a device. The
object for which the I/O was issued is reported in a later message.
System Action: Export processing skips this file, and continues operation.
User Response: Query the activity log to find messages preceding this one that
specify the device that is failing. Storage pool volumes can be varied offline (by
using the VARY OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be shut down with
the HALT command to correct the hardware problem.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Error starting the Export/Import Session.
Explanation: The server export/import process is not able to start the session to
export information from the server or import information into the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORY to display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Invalid Communications Buffer State in SEND.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters a communications error
in transferring information to or from the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
EXPORT/IMPORT: Invalid Communications Buffer State in RECEIVE.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters a communications error
in transferring information to or from the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Communications Failure in Sending ″verb type″ verb.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters a communications error
in using the verb type verb to transfer information to or from the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Communications Failure in Receiving ″verb type″ verb.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters a communications error
in using the verb type verb to transfer information to or from the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Authentication Failure.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters an authentication error
in transferring information to or from the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Communications Failure in Sending ″verb type″ verb
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters a communications error
in using the verb type verb to issue command command.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Receive Buffer overflow.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters an overflow error in
transferring information to or from the server.
Version 3 Release 7
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Communications failure: bad verb received (verb type).
Explanation: The server encounters an invalid communications verb during export
or import processing and is not able to continue processing.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
EXPORT/IMPORT: Internal error: Invalid table output handle detected.
Explanation: The server export/import process encounters an internal error in
transferring information to or from the server.
System Action: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
Export/import command: Transaction failure - could not start database
Explanation: During processing of command export/import command, a database
transaction cannot be started in the server database.
System Action: Processing of the command terminates.
User Response: Examine the server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
Export/import command: Transaction failure - could not commit database
Explanation: During processing of command export/import command, a database
transaction cannot be committed to the server database.
System Action: Processing of the command ends.
User Response: Examine the server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages