Tascam MiniDisc Player MD 801RMKII User Manual

MD Recorder/Player  
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert  
the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure  
that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons..  
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the pres-  
ence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature  
accompanying the appliance.  
This appliance has a serial number  
located on the rear panel. Please record  
the model number and serial number  
and retain them for your records.  
Model number  
Serial number  
Table of Contents  
(10) PGM NO................................................. 2-6  
(11) Dot-matrix alphanumeric display ....... 2-6  
(12) TOC EDIT indicator .............................. 2-6  
(13) EOM....................................................... 2-6  
(14) Peak level meters................................. 2-6  
(15) REPEAT indicator ................................ 2-6  
(16) SINGLE indicator.................................. 2-6  
(17) A–B indicator........................................ 2-6  
2.3 Rear panel .......................................... 2-6  
[32] DIGITAL INPUT (AES/EBU)...................2-6  
[33] DIGITAL OUTPUT (AES/EBU)...............2-6  
[34] DIGITAL INPUT (COAXIAL) ..................2-7  
[35] DIGITAL OUTPUT (COAXIAL) ..............2-7  
[36] ANALOG INPUTS and trimmers  
[38] ANALOG OUTPUTS (MONITOR)..........2-7  
[39] Analog output function DIP switch  
bank ............................................................2-7  
trimmers .....................................................2-7  
[41] WORD SYNC IN .....................................2-8  
[42] WORD SYNC THRU...............................2-8  
[43] MODE SET DIP switch bank.................2-8  
[44] KEYBOARD connector .........................2-8  
[45] REMOTE (SERIAL) connector..............2-8  
[46] REMOTE CONTROL connector............2-8  
[47] REMOTE (PARALLEL) connector........2-8  
[48] ~ IN (power in connector).....................2-8  
3 - Menu items  
3.1 Basic principles of menu operations3-1  
3.2 Pitch control....................................... 3-1  
3.3 Auto cue ............................................. 3-1  
3.4 Frame display .................................... 3-1  
3.5 Jog loop length.................................. 3-1  
3.6 Resume setting.................................. 3-2  
3.7 EOM disc ............................................ 3-2  
3.8 EOM track........................................... 3-2  
3.9 Timer-controlled playback................ 3-2  
3.10 Incremental play .............................. 3-3  
3.11 Serial communications ................... 3-3  
3.11.1 Baud rate............................................3-3  
3.11.2 Word length........................................3-3  
3.11.3 Parity...................................................3-3  
3.11.4 Stop bits .............................................3-3  
3.12 Check items ..................................... 3-3  
3.12.1 Spindle motor time............................3-4  
3.12.2 Laser pickup time..............................3-4  
3.12.3 System software version ..................3-4  
3.13 Auto track numbering level ............ 3-4  
3.14 Copy ID............................................. 3-4  
3.15 Post-script recording ...................... 3-4  
1 - Introduction  
1.1 About the MiniDisc format ................1-1  
1.1.1 ATRAC compression.......................... 1-1  
1.1.2 Buffer memory .................................... 1-1  
1.1.3 Random access and U-TOC............... 1-1  
1.1.4 Track titling, etc. ................................. 1-2  
1.2 Care of MD media...............................1-2  
1.3 About the MD-801R/P Mk II................1-2  
1.3.1 Unpacking the unit.............................. 1-3  
1.3.2 Rack-mounting the unit...................... 1-3  
1.3.3 Care of the unit.................................... 1-3  
1.3.4 Backup memory.................................. 1-4  
1.4 About this manual..............................1-4  
2 - Front and rear panel features  
2.1 Front panel..........................................2-1  
[1] POWER switch........................................ 2-1  
[2] Disc drive ................................................ 2-1  
[3] EJECT key............................................... 2-1  
[4] TRACK keys............................................ 2-1  
[5] STOP key................................................. 2-1  
[6] PLAY key and indicator ......................... 2-1  
[7] READY key and indicator ...................... 2-1  
[8] RECORD key and indicator ................... 2-1  
[9] PHONES jack and level control............. 2-2  
[10] CALL key............................................... 2-2  
[11] JOG key and indicator ......................... 2-2  
[12] JOG/DATA dial...................................... 2-2  
[13] SHUTTLE wheel.................................... 2-2  
[14] Display................................................... 2-2  
[15] MENU key.............................................. 2-2  
[16] TITLE key............................................... 2-2  
[17] TIME key................................................ 2-2  
[18] EDIT key ................................................ 2-3  
[19] TOC WRITE key and indicator............. 2-4  
[20] AUTO READY key and indicator ......... 2-4  
[21] AUTO CUE key and indicator .............. 2-4  
[22] PLAY MODE key ................................... 2-4  
[23] MEMO IN/CAPS key and indicator ...... 2-4  
[24] LOC A/DEL & LOC B/INSERT keys  
and indicators ........................................... 2-4  
[25] PITCH CONT key and indicator........... 2-4  
[26] REPEAT key and indicator .................. 2-4  
[27] INPUT LEVEL controls......................... 2-5  
[28] INPUT selection switch........................ 2-5  
[29] DIGITAL INPUT switch ......................... 2-5  
[30] REC MODE switch................................ 2-5  
[31] ANALOG INPUT switch........................ 2-5  
2.2 Display ................................................2-5  
(1) RESUME indicator................................. 2-5  
indicator.................................. 2-5  
(3) CAPS indicator ...................................... 2-5  
(4) EDIT indicator ........................................ 2-5  
(5) DATE indicator....................................... 2-5  
(6) TRACK TITLE indicator......................... 2-5  
(7) DISC TITLE indicator............................. 2-6  
(8) TRACK NO. display and indicator........ 2-6  
(9) Time display and indicators ................. 2-6  
4 - Basic operations  
4.1 Inserting and ejecting discs ............. 4-1  
4.2 Playback of discs .............................. 4-1  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II –i  
Table of Contents  
4.2.1 Playing back a whole disc.................. 4-1  
4.2.2 Playback outputs ................................ 4-1  
4.2.3 Monaural playback.............................. 4-1  
4.2.4 Playing back a single track................ 4-2  
4.2.5 Entering the A and B location points 4-2  
4.2.6 Playback between two location  
5.6.1 Normal A-B erase.................................5-4  
5.6.2 Erasing to the end of a track ..............5-4  
5.6.3 Erasing from the start of a track ........5-4  
5.6.4 Erasing more than one track at a  
time .............................................................5-4  
5.6.5 Retaining a track title for use by the  
points ......................................................... 4-2  
4.2.7 The CALL function.............................. 4-2  
4.2.8 Relative time display .......................... 4-2  
4.2.9 Repeat playback.................................. 4-3  
4.2.10 Track search operations .................. 4-3  
4.2.11 Cueing the next track automatically 4-3  
4.2.12 Cueing to the first audio position in  
a track ........................................................ 4-3  
4.2.13 Varispeed mode ................................ 4-3  
4.2.14 Jog mode........................................... 4-3  
4.2.15 Shuttle mode ..................................... 4-4  
4.2.16 Displaying track titles during  
playback..................................................... 4-4  
4.2.17 Displaying the recording date ......... 4-4  
4.2.18 Setting the time and date ................. 4-4  
4.3 Recording operations........................ 4-4  
4.3.1 General notes on recording using the  
MD format .................................................. 4-5  
4.3.2 Rebuilding the TOC ............................ 4-5  
4.3.3 Basic recording................................... 4-5  
4.3.4 Track number incrementing............... 4-6  
4.3.5 “Post-Script” recording...................... 4-6  
4.3.6 Replace recording............................... 4-6  
4.3.7 Sound synchro recording .................. 4-7  
4.3.8 Digital recording ................................. 4-7  
4.3.9 Analog recording ................................ 4-8  
4.3.10 Track title copying together with  
second track after a division....................5-5  
5.7 Moving an A-B point ..........................5-5  
5.8 Restoring erased material.................5-6  
5.9 Changing track attributes..................5-6  
5.10 Erasing a complete disc..................5-7  
5.11 Track and disc title entry.................5-7  
5.11.1 Deleting characters ...........................5-8  
5.11.2 Inserting characters ..........................5-8  
5.11.3 Changing characters.........................5-8  
5.11.4 Editing existing titles.........................5-8  
5.11.5 Viewing titles......................................5-8  
5.11.6 Copying disc and track titles............5-9  
6 - Use of a keyboard with the MD-801  
6.1 General transport operations............6-1  
6.2 Edit operations, etc............................6-1  
6.2.1 Entering programmed playback.........6-1  
6.2.2 Checking and editing a programmed  
6.2.3 Time-based location............................6-2  
6.3 Flash start...........................................6-2  
6.4 Direct track entry................................6-3  
6.5 Track and disc title editing with the  
keyboard ................................................6-3  
7 - Remote control of the MD-801  
7.1 REMOTE (PARALLEL) connector.....7-1  
7.1.1 Tally indicators ....................................7-1  
7.1.2 Fader start ............................................7-2  
7.1.3 Sequential playback and recording ...7-2  
8 - Specifications, etc.  
8.1 Error messages and troubleshooting  
8.2 Specifications.....................................8-2  
8.2.1 General MiniDisc .................................8-2  
8.2.2 Analog I/O.............................................8-3  
8.2.3 Digital I/O..............................................8-3  
8.2.4 Other connections...............................8-3  
8.2.5 General and electrical .........................8-3  
8.3 Dimensional drawing.........................8-4  
audio .......................................................... 4-8  
5 - Editing operations  
5.1 Basic editing operations................... 5-1  
5.1.1 Cancelling an edit operation.............. 5-1  
5.1.2 Editing without saving the edits to  
disc............................................................. 5-1  
5.2 Dividing tracks................................... 5-1  
5.3 Erasing a track................................... 5-2  
5.4 Combining tracks .............................. 5-2  
5.5 Moving tracks..................................... 5-3  
5.6 A and B point erase operations........ 5-3  
–ii TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
1 - Care of MD media  
disk from the user, and a file appears as one contigu-  
ous block of data (even though it may be spread over  
many tracks and sectors of the disk), the MD player  
allows separated audio data to appear as a continuous  
audio track.  
1.3 About the MD-801R/P Mk II  
The MD-801R/P Mk II, based on the TASCAM MD-  
801 series of MD recorder/players, and designed to  
meet the requirements of audio professionals,  
includes the following features:  
The MD-801 allows the creation and reading of a  
User Table of Contents (U-TOC) on recordable  
discs, which contain instructions to the player on the  
logical arrangement of the tracks, where to find the  
next audio segment to be played, etc. This is similar  
to the directory tracks provided as part of a computer  
disk operating system.  
• Full editing functions to divide, erase and combine  
tracks, etc.  
• Auto cue function, allowing the playback point to  
be automatically cued to the first frame of a track,  
using a selectable sensitivity level  
The random access facilities provided by the MD-  
801 are significantly better than those to be found on  
consumer MD decks. The effective start time can be  
effectively zero, compared with hundreds of milli-  
seconds on consumer units.  
• Auto ready function, allowing the playback point  
to be “parked” in the play ready mode at the start of  
each track  
• A resume function, which holds in backup memory  
the point where playback stopped, or the power  
was disconnected  
1.1.4Track titling, etc.  
• Incremental play mode, allowing cueing of the  
playback point to the start of the next track, as  
determined by a selectable audio threshold level,  
when playback is stopped  
In common with other forms of digital audio media,  
the MD medium allows other data to be recorded  
alongside the audio data. In the MD medium, this is  
used to provide alphanumeric disc and track titles,  
which are shown on the display of the player.  
• “Soft mute” eliminates clicks, etc. when pausing  
and restarting playback  
In the case of the MD-801R/P Mk II, this information  
may be conveniently entered through a standard  
computer keyboard (PS/2 compatible), or through the  
controls of the main unit.  
• Dual time display  
• Three playback modes: normal (whole disc), track  
play, and A-B play (between two defined points)  
• 3-point autolocation facility  
• Repeat (disc, track, A-B)  
In addition, a realtime clock allows date- and time-  
stamping of tracks recorded on the unit or created or  
edited through TOC editing functions.  
• Either stereo or monaural playback may be  
These times will be displayed when the disc is  
replayed on any one of the MD-801 series.  
• Pitch change ±9.9% in 0.1% steps  
• Shuttle operations up to 100 x normal speed, and  
jog to single-frame accuracy  
1.2 Care of MD media  
• Digital outputs in COAXIAL (SPDIF) and AES/  
The MD medium has been designed to be robust, and  
the integration of the disc into a cartridge protects the  
recorded surface from the worst effects of dust, fin-  
gerprints, and scratches.  
• Word clock synchronization for inclusion of the  
MD-801 in an all-digital audio setup  
• Two sets of analog outputs: –10 dBV unbalanced  
MONITOR (RCA) and +4 dBu balanced LINE  
(XLR-type). The LINE outputs may be trimmed  
for precise signal matching with other equipment  
Even so, there are some commonsense precautions  
that you should take when storing and handling  
• Output selectable (using remote controllers) from  
either MONITOR or LINE  
• Do not open the shutter and touch the surface of the  
• High-quality DA convertor for optimum analog  
audio quality  
• Do not keep MiniDiscs in excessively dusty loca-  
tions, in direct sunlight, in areas subject to high  
temperatures, or high levels of humidity.  
• Level 4.5 ATRAC system  
• If the cartridge becomes dirty, clean it with a dry,  
soft cloth. Do not use any solvents or other liquids.  
• PS/2-compatible computer keyboard connector  
allows titling and other remote control operations  
1–2 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
1 - About the MD-801R/P Mk II  
to be conveniently carried out using a standard key-  
1.3.2Rack-mounting the unit  
The MD-801 is equipped with integral rack-mount  
ears, and may be installed in any standard vertical  
19” rack.  
• Remote control possible from dedicated TASCAM  
remote control units (RC-801, RC-FS10/20, and  
RC-8), or through industry-standard parallel or  
serial interfaces  
Remove the feet from the MD-801 using a Phillips  
screwdriver before installing the unit.  
• Tally signals sent to controlling device at the end of  
each track played back  
• Optional RAM buffer expansion module (BU-801)  
allows flash start of track playback  
In addition, the MD801R Mk II provides the follow-  
ing features:  
• 20-bit A/D converter for increased audio quality  
when recording  
• Selectable Copy ID modes, including the SCMS  
• Integral sampling frequency converter, allowing  
digital recording from material recorded at fre-  
quencies other than 44.1 kHz (48 kHz and 32 kHz)  
In addition to the 3U of space required for the MD-  
801 itself, we strongly suggest leaving at least 1U of  
empty rack space above the MD-801 for ventilation  
• Digital inputs in both SPDIF and AES/EBU  
1.3.3Care of the unit  
• The ability to record in monaural mode, doubling  
the recording time available on a disc.  
The commonsense precautions that you should take  
with any piece of precision electronic equipment also  
apply to the MD-801. In particular:  
• Analog inputs in both +4 dBu balanced (XLR-  
type) and –10 dBV unbalanced (RCA) formats.  
The balanced inputs may be trimmed to match  
input signal levels  
• Do not subject the unit to severe shocks or vibra-  
tion. Despite the buffer mechanism mentioned  
above, there is a risk of data loss, particularly while  
• Replace recording function, allowing recording to  
be carried out in the middle of a track, while retain-  
ing the track title  
• Do not use the unit in very dusty or smoky environ-  
ments. If the optical lens or the head becomes dirty  
as the result of such use, use a commercially-avail-  
able MD lens and head cleaner to clean the lens.  
• Sound sync function to allow the unit to start  
recording automatically when a selectable audio  
threshold level is exceeded  
• Title dubbing from another MD-801 unit (requires  
optional connecting cable PW-1XMD)  
• The exterior of the unit may be cleaned with a soft  
dry cloth, or a cloth barely dampened with a mild  
detergent solution. Do not use any solvent, thinner  
or alcohol-based cleaning agents to clean the unit.  
• Realtime clock for date- and timestamping  
recorded material  
The date and time clock (for timestamping of record-  
ings and edits) is powered by a lithium battery. We  
suggest that this battery is changed about every two  
1.3.1Unpacking the unit  
When you unpack the unit, as well as the unit itself  
and this manual, you should find:  
• Power cord  
• Rack-mount kit  
• Warranty card  
Do not attempt to change this battery by your-  
self. Get an authorized TASCAM service cen-  
ter to perform this operation for you.  
If any items are missing, contact your TASCAM  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 1–3  
1 - About this manual  
When characters are shown on the unit’s dot-matrix  
display, the following typeface is used: Input  
Mon. Alternatively, the alphanumeric display itself  
may be shown:  
1.3.4Backup memory  
When the unit is powered down, the following set-  
tings are memorized.  
• AUTO READY status (see [20])  
• AUTO CUE settings and status (see [21])  
• The last used PLAY mode (see [22])  
• The two LOC points (A and B) (see [24])  
• Pitch control settings and status (see [25])  
• REPEAT status (see 4.2.9, "Repeat playback")  
• Menu settings (see 3, "Menu items")  
If a “preset” word or phrase is shown on the display,  
this is shown as follows: TRACK TITLE.  
Track times, program numbers, as shown in 7-digit  
numbers, are shown as 034, etc.  
If a front panel control or rear panel connection is  
mentioned, the following typeface is used (a little  
larger than that used for preset display words):TOC  
WRITE. The number of the control or connection, as  
given in 2, "Front and rear panel features", may also  
be given, e.g. [5].  
• If the resume function is turned on, the resume  
point is memorized  
1.4 About this manual  
This manual has been organized so that you should  
be able to find the section you need relatively  
quickly. We suggest that you familiarize yourself  
with at least the Table of Contents, so that you know  
where to look if you need information on a particular  
aspect of the unit’s operation.  
If a front panel control or rear panel connection of  
another unit is specifically named, the folloiwng  
typeface is used: WORD IN.  
When an optional PS/2-compatible keyboard is con-  
nected to the MD-801, the keyboard keys are repre-  
sented in the following typeface:  
An index is also provided, which should assist you in  
locating the desired section.  
Press F1to go back by one track.  
As mentioned earlier, when a section of this manual  
describes a function which is included as part of the  
MD-801R only, the section will be marked as below:  
If two keys are to be pressed together (i.e. the first-  
named key is to be pressed and held down while the  
second is pressed), this is represented as:  
3.12.2Laser pickup time  
Press SHIFT+ F1to enter the erase track editing  
This indicates how long…  
There are no features which are unique to the MD-  
801P model only.  
• d  
1–4 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
3 - Menu items  
The selections that can be made using the MD-801’s  
menu system affect the operation of many other  
functions. We suggest that you take the time to look  
through this section and familiarize yourself with the  
basic contents, so that you have an idea of some of  
the options available to you.  
3.3 Auto cue  
The auto cue facility allows you to cue the playback  
position automatically to the first frame where the  
audio level goes above a trigger threshold (see  
4.2.12, "Cueing to the first audio position in a  
track"). This menu allows you to set the threshold.  
The default setting is –54 dB.  
3.1 Basic principles of menu  
The menu system is entered using the MENU  
key [15]. Pressing this key brings up a menu in  
the display.  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
A CUE> -54dB  
The JOG/DATA dial [12] is used to select a  
There are nine sensitivity levels available for use  
with this function: –24 dB, –30 dB, –36 dB, –42 dB,  
–48 dB, –54 dB, –60 dB, –66 dB and –72 dB.  
The SHUTTLE wheel [13] is used to open the  
menu selected in step 2.  
This setting is also used with the Sound Synchro  
function as the threshold above which recording  
starts (or below which the unit drops into record  
ready mode).  
The JOG/DATA dial is used to select parame-  
ters and enter values for the menu. Turn the dial  
clockwise to increase values, and counterclock-  
wise to decrease them.  
3.4 Frame display  
“On” and “off” values are selected by turning  
the SHUTTLE wheel clock wise and counter-  
clockwise respectively (Y and N).  
The frames part of the time display can be turned on  
or off. There are either 86 or 87 MD frames per sec-  
ond. The default setting is on.  
A few menus have “sub-menus” which are  
selected using the JOG/DATA dial, and opened  
with the SHUTTLE wheel.  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
When a menu item has been set in step 4, turn  
the SHUTTLE wheel to the right (Y) to enter  
the value and return to normal operation.  
To “escape” from menu mode without making a set-  
ting, turn the SHUTTLE wheel to the left (N) or  
press the MENU key.  
The only two options here are on and off.  
3.5 Jog loop length  
3.2 Pitch control  
As explained in 4.2.14, "Jog mode", when locating a  
point using the JOG dial, playback is looped, start-  
ing at the provisional jog point.  
Pitch control can be set ±9.9%, in 0.1% steps. The  
default setting is 0.0%.  
This menu allows you to set the length of the jog  
loop. The default value is 16 frames (about 0.2  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
PITCH> 0.0%  
wheel, the display changes:  
See 4.2.13, "Varispeed mode" for details of pitch  
control operations.  
JOG LG> 16f  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 3–1  
3 - Resume setting  
The minimum length for the jog loop is 12 frames,  
and the maximum value is 32 frames. The value is set  
in 1-frame steps.  
The EOM tally signal is always transmitted  
when the U-TOC is updated as the result of a  
recording operation having been completed,  
unless this setting is set to off. It is also trans-  
mitted when recording is halted temporarily.  
3.6 Resume setting  
When the resume setting is turned on, playback  
restarts from the point at which it was stopped (or the  
point at which playback was taking place when the  
power was cut off). The default is off, which means  
that when playback is stopped, it will start at the  
beginning of the disc, unless a track number is  
explicitly specified.  
3.8 EOM track  
The EOM track is similar to the EOM disc function,  
as described above. The EOM tally signal is trans-  
mitted before the end of a track playback, and this  
menu allows the time before the end to be set, or the  
disabling of this function (default off).  
This function, when on, changes the function of the  
STOP key [5]. When the resume function is on, and  
the STOP key is pressed in play mode, the MD-801  
enters play ready mode. If the STOP key is pressed  
once again, the MD-801 enters stop mode.  
When this message is transmitted, the EOM indicator  
flashes in the display.  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
wheel, the display changes:  
The time may be set from 1 to 99 seconds, in 1 sec-  
ond steps, or set to off.  
The options available are on and off.  
3.7 EOM disc  
3.9 Timer-controlled playback  
This menu item affects the output of the MD-801 to a  
device attached to the parallel port (see 7.1,  
"REMOTE (PARALLEL) connector". When set on,  
an “EOM DISC” tally signal is transmitted from the  
parallel port when the end of the disc is reached in  
playback (or recording, in the case of the MD-801R).  
When this function is enabled, if a disc is in the unit,  
and the unit is powered up (e.g. from a timer-based  
switching unit), the TOC is read, and playback starts.  
The default setting is off.  
If the resume function is switched on (3.6, "Resume  
setting") playback will start from the point at which  
playback was last stopped, or at the playback point at  
which the power was last cut off.  
When this message is transmitted, the EOM indicator  
flashes in the display.  
In this menu, it is possible to select how many sec-  
onds before the end of the disc this message is to be  
sent, or to turn the message off completely. The  
default setting is off.  
If the resume function is off, playback will start from  
the beginning of the disc.  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
The options available are on and off.  
The time may be set from 1 to 99 seconds, in 1 sec-  
ond steps, or set to off.  
3–2 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
3 - Incremental play  
When this sub-menu is opened, the baud rate can be  
selected and set. The default value is 9600.  
3.10Incremental play  
When a sub-menu value has been set with the  
SHUTTLE wheel, the unit returns to the normal set-  
This function allows auto-cueing of the playback  
point to the start of the next track when the STOP  
key [5] is pressed, or a fader stop command is  
received (on pin 8 of the parallel remote control port  
3.11.2Word length  
The next sub-menu allows the setting of the word  
length in serial communications:  
When this mode is enabled, pressing the PLAY key  
[6] of the MD-801, or on an optional RC-801 or RC-  
8 remote control unit (or the MONITOR key of  
either of these units), or a PS/2-type keyboard con-  
nected to the MD-801 will cue playback to the start  
of the track following the current track, and start  
playback from there.  
When this sub-menu has been opened, the word  
length can be set to 7 or 8 bits. The default is 8 bits.  
The next sub-menu allows the setting of the parity to  
be used in serial communications:  
While this function is enabled, the TRACK NO.  
indicator flashes, as a reminder that the func-  
tion is enabled.  
When this sub-menu has been opened, the parity can  
be selected from off, odd or even parity. The default  
is for off (no parity).  
The Auto Ready function (see 4.2.11, "Cueing  
the next track automatically"), together with  
the associated commands received at the  
serial remote control port) is disabled when  
this function is enabled.  
3.11.4Stop bits  
The final sub-menu allows the setting of the number  
of stop bits:  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
When this sub-menu is opened, thje number of stop  
bits can be set to 1 or 2. The default is 1.  
Choose between on and off, with the default setting  
being off.  
3.11Serial communications  
3.12Check items  
These are not settable menu items, but allow the  
checking of various aspects of the MD-801 system.  
This menu allows the setting of parameters affecting  
the serial (RS-232C) control port [45]. This menu  
contains sub-menus, allowing the different parame-  
ters to be accessed (DATA dial to show the sub-  
menus, SHUTTLE wheel to open them).  
When the following menu item appears, use the  
SHUTTLE wheel to enter the menu, and the DATA  
dial to choose the different options.  
3.11.1Baud rate  
From the main menu, the first sub-menu allows the  
setting of the communications speed (baud rate):  
Exit the menu system by turning the SHUTTLE  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 3–3  
3 - Auto track numbering level  
3.12.1Spindle motor time  
3.14Copy ID  
S_TIME> 121  
Use this to check how many hours the spindle motor  
has been in operation.  
When recording an MD on the MD-801, the copy ID  
of the recorded MD can be set for different purposes.  
3.12.2Laser pickup time  
The three settings available are:  
• Copy Free—(Free) allows unlimited digital  
copies to be made from the digital recording made  
on the MD-801  
This indicates how many hours the laser pickup has  
been used for recording.  
3.12.3System software version  
• First-generation copy only—(1 gen) allows  
only one digital copy to be made from the digital  
recording produced on the MD-801  
This allows you to check the current system software  
• Copy prohibit—(Proh) means that no further  
digital copies can be made from the digital record-  
ing produced on the MD-801.  
3.13Auto track numbering level  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
COPY ID>Free  
This allows the setting of the threshold above which  
a signal received at the AES/EBU jack or either of  
the analog connectors triggers the start of a new track  
(see 4.3.4, "Track number incrementing"). This value  
can be off, or one of nine values, as detailed below.  
The default setting is for free copying. The restric-  
tions apply only to digital copies produced through  
the COAXIAL port. The copy bit is ignored if the  
recording is made when the disc is played back  
through the AES/EBU connector.  
There should be a period of relative silence (i.e.  
below the trigger level) of at least three seconds  
between “tracks” in the source material for this func-  
tion to operate.  
3.15Post-script recording  
PS REC ?  
As explained in 4.3.5, "“Post-Script” recording",  
recording can start either from the beginning of the  
disc (when this function is turned off), or from the  
beginning of the free space available, i.e. after the  
last recorded track (when this function is turned on).  
Bear in mind that some classical material,  
spoken word, etc. may include such periods  
of silence, and this may cause spurious track  
divisions. Also, some analog material may be  
noisy, and the noise may go above the track  
division threshold. Adjust the threshold level  
taking these factors into consideration.  
This function also controls the operation of the  
replace recording function (see 4.3.6, "Replace  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
After the menu has been opened with the SHUTTLE  
wheel, the display changes:  
A_TRK> -54dB  
The available options are on and off, with the default  
being on.  
The available settings are: –24 dB, –30 dB, –36 dB,  
–42 dB, –48 dB, –54 dB, –60 dB, –66 dB, –72 dB  
and off. The default value is –54 dB.  
3–4 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
4 - Basic operations  
This section gives you informstion about the basic  
operations using the MD-801.  
Press the PLAY key [6]. Playback will start from the  
beginning of the disc.  
It assumes that you have connected the MD-801 to  
all the other equipment that you will be using. If you  
have not already made these connections, read 2.3,  
"Rear panel" for details of the rear panel connections,  
and connect the other equipment appropriately.  
Stop playback with the STOP key [5].  
Pause playback with the READY key [7] and restart  
it with the PLAY key.  
If the tracks being played back are less than  
three seconds in length, playback will be dis-  
continuous (“jumpy”).  
4.1 Inserting and ejecting discs  
Discs are inserted label side uppermost, in the direc-  
tion of the arrow marked on the disc. The display  
4.2.2Playback outputs  
There are two sets of outputs provided on the MD-  
801: the LINE balanced XLR-type at +4 dBu [40],  
and the MONITOR unbalanced RCA at –10 dBV  
if the MD-801 is turned on without a disc in the  
As the disc is loaded, the display shows:  
OUTPUT MODE DIP switch 2 [39] on the rear  
panel is used to synchronize these outputs so that  
material is always played back through both sets of  
outputs (off), or individually (on).  
Disc Loading  
When the disc has been loaded, the disc title, number  
of tracks, total running time, etc. are displayed.  
If the individual output option is chosen, the PLAY  
key on the MD-801 itself or the MONITOR key on  
the RC-801 will start playback through the  
MONITOR outputs only. In this case, the LINE out-  
puts are activated following a play or online com-  
mand from a remote controller (keyboard, RC-801,  
RC-8 or the serial or parallel controller).  
Use the EJECT key [3] to eject discs.  
Discs do not have to be ejected when the power to  
the MD-801 is turned off. No damage will be caused  
to discs if they are left in the unit at power-off or  
power on.  
If the the LINE outputs are used for playback, the  
MONITOR outputs may also be used for simulta-  
neous playback. OUTPUT MODE DIP switch 3  
controls this. When set to off, the MONITOR out-  
puts are muted when the LINE outputs are in use.  
When set on, the MONITOR outputs are always  
Never turn the power off when the U-TOC is  
being written to disc (UTOC Writing).  
If you do, the disc may become unreadable.  
When the MD-801 is turned on with a disc already  
loaded in the drive, the display will show:  
The PHONES jack [9] is always used.  
TOC Reading  
The above applies to the analog outputs only, and  
does not refer at all to the digital outputs, which are  
always in use, regardless of the origin of the play-  
back command.  
before showing the disc title, running time, number  
of tracks, etc.  
4.2 Playback of discs  
4.2.3Monaural playback  
OUTPUT MODE DIP switch 1 [39] is used to com-  
bine the left and right tracks and output them from  
both the left and right outputs equally.  
The following instructions apply to both pre-  
recorded and recordable MD media.  
4.2.1Playing back a whole disc  
The outputs affected are the LINE [40], MONITOR  
[38] and PHONES outputs. The digital outputs are  
not affected by the position of this switch.  
When the disc has been loaded, and the TOC has  
been read, use the PLAY MODE key so that the  
playback mode is not set to SINGLE or A-B (see [22]).  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 4–1  
4 - Playback of discs  
Press the PLAY MODE key [22] so that the  
display shows A-B.  
4.2.4Playing back a single track  
When the disc has been loaded and the TOC has been  
read, use the PLAY MODE key to select the SINGLE  
play mode (see [22]).  
Press LOC A/DEL [24]. The unit will locate to  
the first point, and start playing until it reaches  
the second point, and then stop.  
Use theTRACK keys [4] to move the playback posi-  
tion to the start of the desired track.  
If the location points are in the wrong order (i.e. B  
precedes A), the display will show A-B Error  
when playback is attempted.  
Press the PLAY key [6]. Playback will start from the  
beginning of the track.  
4.2.7The CALL function  
Stop playback with the STOP key [5]. Playback will  
restart at the start of the disc, unless you move the  
playback position to the start of the next track to be  
played back.  
The CALL key [10] is used for easy location to a  
marked point  
Put the MD-801 into play ready mode at the  
point you want to mark (the READY indicator  
[7] should be lit).  
The above function can be overridden with  
the resume function, which turns the STOP  
key into a “PAUSE” key and allows playback  
to continue from where it was paused using  
the STOP key. See 3.6, "Resume setting" for  
Press the READY key. The current point is now  
You can now play back, or perform the next  
To return to the marked point, press the CALL  
key [10].  
Pause playback with the READY key [7] and restart  
it with the PLAY key.  
at the point where recording last started. This enables  
easy return to the point where the recording started,  
using the CALL key, in order to check a take, etc.  
4.2.5Entering the A and B location points  
Press the MEMO IN/CAPS key [23] so that the  
indicator lights.  
4.2.8Relative time display  
The call point set in the way described above (4.2.7,  
"The CALL function") can also be used as a zero  
point for relative time display (all times are displayed  
relative to this point, with times before the point  
being displayed as negative values), To enter the rel-  
ative time mode:  
Locate the playback point to the first location,  
and press LOC A/DEL [24]. The indicator will  
light, showing that a value has been entered into  
the location, and the MEMO IN/CAPS indica-  
tor will go out.  
Locate the playback point to the second loca-  
tion, and press the MEMO IN/CAPS key [23]  
again so that the indicator lights.  
Make sure that the MEMO IN/CAPS indicator  
[23] is lit.  
Press the TIME key [17] to show the different  
display modes. The relative display mode  
appears as follows:  
Press LOC B/INSERT [24]. The indicator will  
light, showing that a value has been entered into  
the location, and the MEMO IN/CAPS indica-  
tor will go out.  
rel xxxm yys  
Clear the location points by stopping playback,  
pressing the MEMO IN/CAPS key, and pressing the  
appropriate location key (LOC A/DEL or LOC B/  
INSERT) so that the indicator goes out.  
where xxxrepresents the “minutes” portion of the  
elapsed time since the call point, and yyrepresents  
the “seconds” portion of the elapsed time. Times  
before the call point are prefixed with a minus sign.  
4.2.6Playback between two location  
If no call point has been set, the “relative time”  
will be from the start of the disc.  
Enter the location points as described above.  
4–2 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
4 - Playback of discs  
4.2.9Repeat playback  
4.2.12Cueing to the first audio position in  
a track  
Use the REPEAT key [26] to enable the repeat mode  
as shown in the display (REPEAT).  
To cue the playback position to the first point where  
the audio level exceeds a preset threshold, make sure  
that playback is stopped, press the AUTO CUE key  
so that the indicator is lit, and then press the READY  
The three different repeat modes available corre-  
spond to the three playback modes set with the  
PLAY MODE key [22] (whole disc, SINGLE track or  
A-B points, as set above).  
The playback point will then locate to the start of the  
audio portion of the track (the PLAY indicator will  
flash while it is locating).  
For A-B repeat to be effective, location point A  
must be before location point B, otherwise A-  
B repeat cannot take place.  
If the AUTO CUE indicator is lit, the playback point  
will automatically locate to the first audio point of  
the destination track when searching and locating.  
4.2.10Track search operations  
selected through the menu system (see 3.3, "Auto  
cue") for the AUTO CUE operation. Select the  
appropriate level depending on the source material.  
While playing back, it is possible to press the  
TRACK keys [4] in order to move forward or back-  
ward a number of tracks, corresponding to the num-  
ber of times the key is pressed.  
4.2.13Varispeed mode  
After locating to the start of the track (the start of the  
track start cue point if AUTO CUE is off (4.2.12,  
"Cueing to the first audio position in a track") or the  
first audio frame if it is on), the deck will park in play  
ready mode.  
The MD-801 is capable of playing back material in  
varispeed mode.  
The speed can be altered to ±9.9% relative to normal  
speed, and can be changed using the menu system  
(see 3.2, "Pitch control").  
Pressing the “previousTRACK key at the first track  
will move to the last track on the disc, and pressing  
the “nextTRACK key at the last track will move to  
the first track on the disc.  
While the MD-801 is in varispeed mode, care  
must be taken that it is not set to use an exter-  
nal word clock ([43]).  
4.2.11Cueing the next track  
To use the JOG dial to locate a playback point pre-  
Use the AUTO READY key [20] to enable the unit  
to enter play ready mode automatically when the  
start of a track is reached. This is the start of the track  
as determined by the digital subcode, not the start of  
the audio signal, unless AUTO CUE is on (see  
4.2.12, "Cueing to the first audio position in a  
cisely (to frame accuracy):  
Press the JOG key [11] to light the indicator.  
Turn the JOG dial [12] (clockwise to move the  
jog point forwards, counterclockwise to move it  
backwards). Monitoring is at normal speed.  
When you stop turning the JOG dial, the sec-  
tion that has been “highlighted” by the jog  
action will be repeatedly looped.  
Depending on the play mode (when no repeat is  
active), the unit will enter stop mode in SINGLE or A-  
You can set the length of the jog loop from a menu  
item (see 3.5, "Jog loop length").  
play mode, and play ready in the “continue” mode,  
after the location has taken place.  
Press the READY [7] key to set the call point,  
at the end of the jog loop.  
If repeat is active, the unit will enter play ready mode  
at the start of the next track (REPEAT “continue”), the  
start of the track which is being repeated (REPEAT  
SINGLE) or the A repeat point (REPEAT A-B).  
Locate to the call point by pressing CALL [10].  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 4–3  
4 - Recording operations  
by the time (e.g. 10h 34m 12s) in 24-  
hour format.  
The point at which the JOG key was pressed  
will not be included in the jog loop. To include  
this point in the loop, you must turn the JOG  
dial counterclockwise.  
If the track has not been time-stamped, the display  
briefly shows:  
No Date  
4.2.15Shuttle mode  
If the MD-801 is in stop mode, this operation  
shows the disc’s time and date, rather than  
those of the current track.  
The SHUTTLE wheel [13] allows you to perform  
fast cue or review operations, moving forwards or  
backwards through the program material at high  
4.2.18Setting the time and date  
The further the wheel is moved from the central posi-  
tion, the faster the cue or review speed.  
Since the MD-801 leaves TASCAM with the date  
and time pre-set, there should be little need for you to  
set the time and date of the internal clock.  
Since the MD-801 is a digital recorder, playback in  
cue and review is not continuous.  
However, if you move the MD-801 across time-  
zones, etc., you may need to reset the date and time  
following the procedure below:  
4.2.16Displaying track titles during  
When the MD-801 is in play or play ready (or in  
record or record ready) mode, pressing theTITLE  
key [16] shows the current track title.  
Eject any disc and power off the MD-801 (this  
step is not strictly necessary, but simplifies the  
If the track does not have a title entered, the display  
briefly shows:  
Press and hold down theTIME key [17] while  
turning on the power. The display shows:  
No Title  
If the display is too long to fit on the display, it can  
be scrolled by pressing theTITLE key once more.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to start  
setting the time and date.  
__y __m __d  
If the MD-801 is in stop mode, pressing the  
TITLE key displays the disc, rather than the  
current track, title. Remember also that the  
MEMO IN/CAPS key can also be used to  
affect the display (see [16]).  
Use the DATA dial as a data entry wheel, and  
the SHUTTLE wheel as a cursor to move  
between the year (y), month (m) and day (d)  
fields, as described in 3.1, "Basic principles of  
menu operations".  
After entering the value for the day, turn the  
SHUTTLE wheel:  
The entry and editing of titles is described in 5.11,  
"Track and disc title entry"  
__h __m --s  
4.2.17Displaying the recording date  
You can set the hours (h) and minutes (m)  
If the current track has been “date- and time-  
stamped”, the date and time can be displayed:  
When these have been entered, press theTIME  
key to set the time (the seconds value is set to  
zero as you press the key) and return to normal  
While the MD-801 is in play or play ready (or  
record or record ready) mode, press the MEMO  
IN/CAPS key [23] so that the indicator is lit.  
Press the TITLE key [16]. The word DATE will  
light in the display, and the date will be shown  
(for example 98y 12m 25d), followed  
4.3 Recording operations  
Naturally, these recording operations refer to the  
4–4 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
4 - Recording operations  
MD-801R model only.  
4.3.1General notes on recording using  
the MD format  
Depending on the condition of the disc (how  
many edits have been performed, etc.), it may  
take a considerable amount of time for the  
TOC to be rebuilt. In rare cases, the recording  
capacity of the disc may not be increased,  
even after the TOC has been rebuilt in this  
Because the MD method of recording is somewhat  
different to a linear recording method, such as tape,  
you should note the following points.  
• The message Disc Fullmay appear on the  
display before the available recording time on the  
disc has all be used.  
• The number of tracks that have been intentionally  
recorded, and the number of tracks displayed may  
not match.  
This may be because more than 255 tracks have been  
recorded on the disc.  
• The sum of the total recorded time, and the dis-  
played remaining available time may not equal the  
theoretical total capacity of the disc.  
When the transport encounters dirt or scratches, etc.,  
the current track is ended, and a new track is started.  
This automatically-created track is marked by the let-  
ters “Cont !!” being added to the end of the  
track title. This “track” cannot be combined using the  
editing methods available. To avoid the occurence of  
such “tracks”, it is important to keep the MD media  
clean and dust-free.  
This is because of the nature of the MiniDisc track  
structure. At least two seconds are used for every  
MiniDisc track, regardless of the audio structure. In  
addition, “bad sectors”, caused by dirt, scratches, etc.  
are automatically skipped and ignored, which means  
that they are unavailable for recording. We always  
suggest that you leave some “safety net”, and do not  
attempt to record a program of exactly 74 minutes on  
an MD marked as 74 minutes.  
Every time recording is halted, the TOC is  
updated. As always, avoid turning off the  
power while the TOC is being written. In addi-  
tion, you should be aware that if you have  
performed editing operations that you do not  
want to commit to disc, and then do some  
recording, the edit operations will be saved to  
disc when recording stops.You may want to  
eject the disc without writing the edits (see  
[3]) before recording, to avoid this situation.  
• Erasing a track will not make the time the exact  
length of the erased track available for recording.  
This is on account of the nature of the MD recording  
format, and has to do with block size, etc. If you are  
familiar with computer systems, you may be aware  
of a simiular limitation with regard to file size on  
some operating systems.  
4.3.2Rebuilding the TOC  
It is possible to rebuild the TOC, which will free up  
recording space if a heavily-edited disc is being used.  
Like most other forms of recordable media, MDs  
incorporate a write-protect tab, which can prevent  
you from accidentally overwriting precious record-  
ings. If you try recording with a disc that has had the  
tab set to the “protect” position (open), the display  
will show:  
With the MD-801 stopped, press the EDIT key  
Turn the DATA dial [12] until the display  
If you want to record on this disc, you must eject the  
disc, close the write-protect tab and record again.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel [13] clockwise to  
rebuild the TOC (counterclockwise to cancel  
the operation).  
4.3.3Basic recording  
When the display shows Complete, and  
theTOCWRITE indicator [19] lights, press the  
TOC WRITE key to write the new TOC to disc.  
This gives the basic instructions on how to record.  
There are a number of different recording-related  
options which may be selected, as described else-  
where in this section.  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 4–5  
4 - Recording operations  
Select the recording method (digital or analog)  
and the appropriate input source.  
4.3.5Post-Script” recording  
There are two ways of cueing the disc when record-  
ing. One is “post-script” recording, where recording  
starts immediately following the last recorded mate-  
rial. Unlike a linear recorder (tape, etc.) there is no  
need to cue the medium to the last track.  
Make sure the unit is stopped.  
Press and hold down the RECORD key [8] and  
press the READY key [7].  
Adjust the recording level (analog, UNCAL  
only) so that the meters do not read OVER, even  
in the loudest passages.  
The other is non post-script, which starts recording  
from the start of the disc, overwriting the whole disc,  
except for the title.  
Start recording by pressing the PLAY key [6].  
Post-script recording is set using the menu system,  
described in 3.15, "Post-script recording".  
When recording is finished, press the STOP  
key [5].  
4.3.6Replace recording  
After recording is finished, the TOC is updated.  
This function allows recordings to be made on an  
existing track, if the MD-801 is in ready mode in the  
middle or at the start of an existing track.  
The date is automatically recorded (as taken from the  
internal clock).  
Recording in replace mode allows recording on that  
track. Since the MD format is non-linear, the length  
of the track does not matter.  
The STOP key may also be used to cancel the record  
ready mode entered in step 3.  
4.3.4Track number incrementing  
Recording from the start of the track will replace the  
existing track, keeping the same track number and  
title (if any). The whole of the existing track will be  
erased, even if the replacement material is shorter  
than the existing track.  
When recording, the track numbers are incremented  
automatically in the following cases:  
• When making digital recordings from another unit  
through the COAXIAL input [34], the PQ code is  
used when making a recording from a CD player or  
an MD player, and START IDs are used when  
recording from a DAT.  
Recording from part of the way through the track  
will add a new track with the number of the current  
track plus one. If you start recording part of the way  
through the track, the part of the original track from  
the point at which recording started, to the end of the  
original track, will be erased, even if the new track is  
shorter than this portion.  
• When making digital recordings through the AES/  
EBU input [32] or analog recordings, the Auto  
track numbering level may be used. The first time  
that a signal exceeding the selected threshold is  
encountered after recording is started, the start of a  
track is marked, and the track number is incre-  
mented. While recording is taking place, if the  
level drops below the selected threshold for three  
consecutive seconds or more, and then rises above  
the threshold, the start of a new track is marked,  
and the track number is incremented. See 3.13,  
"Auto track numbering level" for details.  
If you want to keep the start of a track on  
which you are making a replace recording  
from the middle, use the Track Divide editing  
function, and start replace recording from the  
newly-created second track.You can, of  
course, keep the second part by replace  
recording the newly-created first track.  
When recording from AES/EBU or analog sources,  
the auto track numbering function may be turned off  
completely. There are then two options:  
Make sure that the post-script recording mode is  
on (3.15, "Post-script recording").  
• Record the whole of the material in one take, and  
use the editing functions at a later time to divide  
the material into tracks.  
• While recording is taking place, press the “next”  
TRACK key [4]. Recording will continue, but the  
track number is incremented by one, and the track  
division is written at the point where the “next”  
TRACK key was pressed.  
If post-script recording is turned off, you will  
erase the whole disc (except for the disc title).  
4–6 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
4 - Recording operations  
Cue the playback point to the place that you  
want to start recording.  
record ready mode as soon as a period of relative  
silence of more than five seconds in length is  
detected. Recording will start again as soon as a sig-  
nal which is over the threshold is detected again, and  
the Sound Synchro mode is still on.  
Press the READY key [7] to put the MD-801  
into play ready mode. This step is the primary  
difference between replace recording and ordi-  
nary post-script recording.  
Press and hold down the RECORD key [8] and  
press the READY key. The display will show:  
If the Sound Synchro mode is on, and a man-  
ual change is made from record ready to  
record (or the other way round), the Sound  
Synchro mode is automatically turned off.  
Replace REC  
To start recording, press PLAY [6]. When you  
have finished recording, press STOP [5].  
4.3.8Digital recording  
If you want to cancel the recording operation after  
Since the MD-801 incorporates a frequency conver-  
tor, digital recordings can be made from a wide vari-  
ety of sources, including sources played back at non-  
standard frequencies (varispeed and pitch shifting are  
therefore possible).  
step 4, press the STOP key [5].  
You cannot use the input monitor function  
before entering the replace record mode.You  
must stop the transport first if you want to use  
the record monitor function.  
Set the INPUT selection switch [28] to  
Set the DIGITAL INPUT selection switch [29]  
to either AES/EBU or COAXIAL, depending  
on the source.  
Many replace recording functions carried out  
on the same track may result in sections  
which it is later impossible to combine using  
the edit functions.  
When recording from a digital source, remem-  
ber that the input level controls [27] have no  
4.3.7Sound synchro recording  
With this facility, the MD-801 goes from record  
ready to record mode when a signal threshold is  
exceeded. The threshold is the same as for the Auto  
Cue function (4.2.12, "Cueing to the first audio posi-  
tion in a track") and is set in the Auto Cue menu (3.3,  
"Auto cue").  
If you require mono recording (uses the left  
channel only, and doubles the available record-  
ing time), set the REC MODE switch [30] to  
MONO, otherwise, make sure it is set to  
The facility also allows the unit to go automatically  
from recording to record ready mode, if the input sig-  
nal drops below the threshold and stays at this lower  
level for five successive seconds.  
Press and hold down the RECORD key [8] and  
press the READY key.  
Start recording by pressing the PLAY key [6],  
and finish by pressing the STOP key [5].  
Make sure the MD-801 is recording or in record  
ready mode.  
Use the “previousTRACK key [4] to toggle  
between turning the Sound Synchro function on  
and off (the screen below shows it turned on).  
If the selected digital input is not correctly  
connected, or is not present, the D-IN  
UNLOCK! message will appear on the  
display to inform you of this.  
If the MD-801 is in record ready mode, start playing  
the source. As soon as the signal level goes above the  
threshold, the MD-801 will go from record ready to  
record mode.  
If the digital input signal is interrupted and  
resumes within 30 seconds of the interruption,  
a new track will be started on the MD-801,  
with a number that is one higher than the pre-  
If the MD-801 is in record mode, it will drop back to  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 4–7  
vious one. If the digital signal is not resumed  
within 30 seconds of interruption, recording  
will stop.  
4.3.10Track title copying together with  
This is a special case when making copies between  
two MD-801 units. Titles may be copied in either the  
analog or the digital copying modes.  
As mentioned earlier, 4.3.4, "Track number  
incrementing", when digital recordings are  
made through the COAXIAL inputs, track  
numbers are incremented automatically as  
PQ code is read from CD or MD, or START  
IDs are read from DAT. However, if a source  
track is less than three seconds in length, a  
new track will probably not be started on the  
A special optional cable (PW-1XMD) is required, to  
link the two serial ports of the two units [45]. Set up  
the serial communication parameters to the default  
values, as described in 3.11, "Serial communica-  
tions", with the baud rate set to 9600.  
Apart from ensuring that this connection is made,  
there are no special settings to be made on the master  
(source) unit.  
4.3.9Analog recording  
To copy titles along with the audio data:  
Set the INPUT selection switch [28] to  
Put the slave unit into record ready mode.  
Press the RECORD key (again on the slave  
unit). The display shows:  
Set the ANALOG INPUT switch [31] to  
UNCAL enables the input level controls, while CAL  
disables them, and inputs the analog signal “as  
given”. In this case, a signal input received at nomi-  
Use the RECORD key to toggle this mode  
between on and off.  
nal level (+ 4dB in the case of the balanced inputs ,  
and –10 dB in the case of the unbalanced inputs) will  
register –16 dB. You should take care that analog  
signals never go more than 16 dB above the nominal  
level, or clipping will occur.  
The title will now be copied automatically when  
the mode is set to on, and the track number on  
the slave is incremented (see 4.3.4, "Track num-  
ber incrementing" for details of when tracks are  
If your program material includes such passages, re  
suggest that you use the UNCAL setting, and attenu-  
ate the signal a little using the input level controls.  
In addition, you can copy the title of the current  
track of the master unit by pressing RECORD  
on the slave unit when it is in record mode, and  
the track title copy mode is on.  
If you require mono recording (combines the  
left and right channels, and doubles the avail-  
able recording time), set the REC MODE  
switch [30] to MONO, otherwise, make sure it  
is set to STEREO.  
The Sound Synchro function (see 4.3.7, "Sound  
synchro recording") can be used for automati-  
cally putting the slave unit from record ready to  
record when the master unit’s audio level  
exceeds a threshold.  
Press and hold down the RECORD key [8] and  
press the READY key.  
Start recording by pressing the PLAY key [6],  
and finish by pressing the STOP key [5].  
Tracks of less than seven seconds in length  
cannot have their titles copied automatically in  
this way.You will have to copy the titles man-  
ually in these cases.  
Track numbering is incremented as described in  
4.3.4, "Track number incrementing".  
1. Provided that the trimmer potentiometers at  
the balanced inputs have been left in the posi-  
tion as shipped from the factory. If these set-  
tings have been changed, the reference level  
will be altered accordingly.  
For information regarding the copying of disc titles  
between MD-801 units using the serial link, see  
5.11.6, "Copying disc and track titles".  
4–8 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
5 - Editing operations  
Unlike tape or other linear media, the MD-801 pro-  
vides you with a wide range of editing tools, allow-  
ing you to make arbitary cuts, “splices” and  
rearrangements of running order without having to  
re-record any parts of the material.  
After most editing operations, the MD-801 enters the  
play ready mode.  
5.1.1Cancelling an edit operation  
If you wish to cancel an edit operation at any time  
before step 3 above, do any of the following:  
Although the editing operations you perform will  
take effect instantly, unless they are written to disc as  
part of the User Table of Contents (U-TOC), they  
will not take any effect when the disc is next used (or  
inserted in another machine), as “splices”, etc. are  
virtual, and do not actually represent cuts in the  
• turn the SHUTTLE wheel counterclockwise  
• press the STOP key [5]  
• press the EDIT key  
5.1.2Editing without saving the edits to  
If you want to make edits, but do not want to commit  
them to disc, you can do either of the following:  
The U-TOC contains all the information that is read  
by the MD-801 in order to know what parts of the  
disc should be played, and in what order.  
• turn off the power to the MD-801  
• press the EJECT key once, and press it again, after  
the TOC Edited!message appears on the  
For that reason, it is important that you never turn off  
the MD-801 while it is writing the U-TOC to disc. If  
you do this, you will probably be unable to use the  
disc in the future.  
5.2 Dividing tracks  
5.1 Basic editing operations  
Use this editing function to split one track into two.  
This operation can be carried out while the MD-801  
is in play ready mode.  
To start an editing operation, press the EDIT  
key [18] and the EDIT indicator will light in the  
Before the operation to split track 2, the tracks and  
numbers look like:  
Track number  
Select the editing operation using the DATA  
dial [12].  
When the editing operation is complete (the  
exact steps are described in the individual sec-  
tions below), turn the SHUTTLE wheel [13] to  
complete the operation and return to normal  
This track is to be divided here  
After the operation, the tracks will look like:  
Track number  
After an editing operation, theTOC WRITE indica-  
tor [19] will light, and the display TOC EDIT will  
light, showing that there are editing changes made  
which have not been saved to disc.  
Note that the tracks are renumbered  
Locate the playback position so that it is at the  
point where you want to divide the track. Press  
the READY key [7] to put the MD-801 into  
play ready mode.  
Commit the editing operation to disc by press-  
ing the TOC WRITE key [19].  
After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA  
dial until the display shows:  
A disc must not be write-protected when sav-  
ing edits to disc. The display shows  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise.  
Point OK?  
W_Protected!if you attempt to write  
a U-TOC to a protected disc. By ejecting the  
disc you lose the edits you have made, so you  
should make sure that a disc on which you  
want to save edits is write enabled before you  
start the editing process.  
A jog loop will start playing. Adjust the jog  
loop using the JOG/DATA dial, so that the start  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–1  
5 - Erasing a track  
of the loop is the point at which you want to  
divide the track.  
After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA  
dial until the display shows:  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to change  
the display:  
You can set the length of the jog loop in the  
menu system (see 3.5, "Jog loop length").  
Track OK ?  
When the start of the jog loop is correctly posi-  
tioned, turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise.  
The display shows Now Editing, and  
Completewhen the editing operation has  
If you want to change the track to be erased at  
this stage, you can use the TRACK keys to  
change the current track.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to erase  
the track. The display shows Now  
Editing, and Completewhen the  
erase operation is finished.  
The track title of the first track created by the divi-  
sion process will have the same title as the original  
track (before the division took place). The second  
track will be untitled.  
5.4 Combining tracks  
This editing function allows you to combine a track  
with the previous track. It is not possible to combine  
two non-adjacent tracks (but you can move such  
tracks and then combine them—see 5.5, "Moving  
If the divide point is set to a track boundary  
(the start of a track), the display will show an  
error message (Not Execute!) when  
the SHUTTLE wheel is turned in step 4  
Before the combine operation, the tracks and num-  
bers look like:  
The playback position is here  
Track number  
5.3 Erasing a track  
This operation erases a track and frees the space for  
further recording.  
These tracks are to be combined  
Before this edit operation, the tracks and numbers  
look like:  
Track number  
After the combine operation, they look like:  
Track number  
This track is to be erased  
Note that the following tracks are renumbered to pro-  
vide a contiguous sequence.  
After the operation, the tracks and numbers look like:  
Track number  
Use theTRACK keys, or any other convenient  
method, to select the second track of the pair to  
be combined (the selected track will be com-  
bined with the one before it).  
Note that the tracks following the erased tracks are  
automatically renumbered, so that the numbering  
sequence is contiguous.  
After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA  
dial until the display shows:  
Tracks can be erased while the MD-801 is stopped,  
or in play, or in play ready mode.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to enter  
the rehearsal mode:  
Set the playback position at the track to be  
erased (use theTRACK keys or any other con-  
venient way of locating to the track).  
5–2 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
5 - Moving tracks  
The PLAY indicator above the PLAY key will  
flash, as will the EDIT indication in the display,  
to show that rehearsal mode has been entered.  
look like:  
Track number  
In this rehearsal mode, the last 4 seconds  
(approximately) of the previous track and the  
first four seconds (approximately) of the current  
track are continuously repeated, so that you can  
audition the “join” between the tracks.  
This track is to be moved  
Following the move operation, the tracks look like:  
New track numbers  
At this point, it is still possible to use the  
TRACK keys to select another track to be com-  
bined. This newly-selected track will be com-  
bined with the track immediately before the  
new selection.  
(track numbers before the move)  
The “gap” is closed up, and all tracks are re-num-  
bered in the new sequence. A move operation can be  
carried out in the stop, play ready or play modes.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to com-  
bine the tracks. The display will show Now  
Editing, followed by Complete.  
Use theTRACK keys, or any convenient  
method, to select the track to be moved.  
The track number of the first combined track (i.e. the  
track immediately before the track selected prior to  
the combine operation) is used for the combined  
After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA  
dial until the display shows:  
MOVE ?  
The title of the second track is appended to that of the  
first track.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to open  
the move menu. The display will show:  
Move to 001?  
Selecting the first track and attempting a com-  
bine operation will result in the message  
TRK Illegal!being shown on the  
display—it is not possible to combine the first  
and last tracks.  
The three numeric digits indicate the track num-  
ber that the current track will occupy after the  
move operation.  
Use the DATA dial to change the destination  
track number.  
Mono and stereo tracks cannot be combined.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise. The dis-  
play will show Now Editing, followed  
by Complete.  
In some cases where an MD has had many  
edit operations performed, the Cannot  
EDIT!message may appear on the dis-  
play. This does not indicate a fault with the  
disc or the machine, but is a property of the  
MD recording system.  
All tracks will be automatically renumbered.  
You cannot move a track to itself, e.g. if you  
have selected track 1, the destination number  
cannot be 001. The display will show a  
Not Executemessage if you attempt  
5.5 Moving tracks  
This function allows you to edit the running order of  
the tracks, and re-place a track in a different position.  
This can also be used with the combine function (5.4,  
"Combining tracks") in order to combine non-contig-  
uous tracks.  
5.6 A and B point erase operations  
Before a move operation, the tracks and numbers  
The two location points (see 4.2.6, "Playback  
between two location points") can be used for a vari-  
ety of erasure purposes. Although the basic principle  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–3  
5 - A and B point erase operations  
of operation is the same, the function is so flexible  
that it can be used for many different purposes.  
All data between these points is erased.  
Track number  
In order to be used for editing in this way, the follow-  
ing conditions must be met:  
• Point A must not be at the same location as point B  
• At least one of the two points must be marked  
• Point B must come after point A  
5.6.2Erasing to the end of a track  
If only point A is marked, the end of the track con-  
taining point A is regarded as point B.  
If any of these conditions are not met, the display  
will show A-B Error!.  
Track number  
The A and B points do not have to be in the same  
All A-B operations are carried out in the same way:  
This provides a convenient way to delete from a  
marked point to the end of the track.  
Set the A and B points (4.2.5, "Entering the A  
and B location points").  
Track number  
In stop, play or play ready mode, after pressing  
the EDIT key, turn the DATA dial until the dis-  
play reads:  
5.6.3Erasing from the start of a track  
If only point B is marked, the start of the track con-  
taining point B is regarded as point A.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel to enter rehearsal  
Track number  
The above message alternates with Erase  
OK ?, and the EDIT indicator in the display flashes.  
The rehearsal mode continuously plays from a posi-  
tion about four seconds before the A point, and about  
4 seconds after the B point. This allows you to pre-  
view the “splice”.  
This provides a convenient way in which data can be  
erased from the start of a track only.  
In addition, the AUTO CUE function (4.2.12, "Cue-  
ing to the first audio position in a track") can be used  
to cue precisely to the start of the audio in a track. If  
this location is then marked as point B, all “dead  
time” at the start of the track up to the audio start can  
be eliminated.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel to confirm the erase  
After the operation is complete, if the A point has  
been set, it is erased (the indicator goes out).  
The B point will be at the position where the erase  
took place.  
Track number  
5.6.1Normal A-B erase  
In this editing operation, both the A and B points are  
set within the same track.  
5.6.4Erasing more than one track at a  
Track number  
If the A and B marks are set in different tracks, all  
material between the A and B points will be erased.  
Track number  
5–4 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
5 - Moving an A-B point  
If the A point is set at the start of a track, and the B  
point at the end of another track, the whole of the  
tracks containing and between these points will be  
erased (in the example above, tracks 2 and 3 will be  
• Point A must not be at the same location as point B  
• At least one of the two points must be marked  
• Point B must come after point A  
If any of these conditions are not met, the display  
Track number  
will show A-B Error!.  
Mark the A and B points.  
Formerly tracks 4 and 5  
Press the EDIT key, and turn the DATA dial  
until the display shows  
bered to form a continuous sequence.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise. The dis-  
play will change:  
It is not possible to erase the last track on the  
disc using this method.You must use the  
track erase function (see 5.3, "Erasing a  
track") for this purpose.  
The MD-801 will keep looping the point at  
which the insertion is to take place (the inser-  
tion point is at the end of the loop). Use the  
JOG dial (it is not a data dial at this point) to  
alter the position of the insertion point.  
5.6.5Retaining a track title for use by the  
second track after a division  
As explained earlier (5.2, "Dividing tracks"), when a  
track is divided, the earlier of the newly-created pair  
of tracks contains the song title. If you are using the  
track division to eliminate lead-in times, this would  
mean that the unwanted lead-in kept the title and the  
program material was untitled. To avoid this, use the  
A-B erase function (without setting the A point) to  
retain the title for the remaining part of the track.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise once  
more, and the display will change (alternating  
with the word Rehearsal, while the  
EDIT indicator lights in the display:  
IN PT OK ?  
The playback will now loop from a point about  
four seconds before the insertion point to a  
point about four seconds after the A point. This  
allows you to preview the effect of the “punch-  
in” join between the original material and the  
A-B portion being moved.  
5.7 Moving an A-B point  
This is the electronic equivalent of a razor-blade and  
splicing tape. A section of material can be marked,  
and moved to almost any part of the disc.  
Press the LOC B key [24] while this rehearsal  
process is taking place. The display will change:  
Track number  
The playback loop now changes so that the loop  
starts about four seconds before the B point, and  
ends about four seconds after the insert point.  
This allows you to preview the effect of the  
“punch-out” between the A-B portion being  
moved and the original material.  
A-B portion  
to be inserted here  
After the operation, the layout will be:  
Track number  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to make  
the edit. The display will show Now  
Editing, followed by Complete.  
The A-B section becomes a new track. The  
point from which the A-B section was moved  
also becomes a track break, and all track num-  
New track from A-B portion  
Track 2 split into two  
at cut point  
This operation can be performed in stop. play ready,  
or play modes.  
The same conditions apply with regard to the A and  
B points as apply when erasing material betwen  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–5  
5 - Restoring erased material  
bers are renumbered accordingly. See the dia-  
gram above for an example.  
When restoring a track or tracks, the last  
restored track will have the unused portion of  
the disc automatically appended to it.This will  
result in a Disc Fullerror message if  
you try to record on the disc.  
If you need to make the new track (formerly the  
A-B portion) into part of the preceding and/or  
following track, use the track combine facility  
(see 5.4, "Combining tracks") to turn these  
tracks into one track.  
To overcome this problem, split the new long  
track at the end of the recorded section, and  
delete the new track which consists of the  
unused part of the disc.  
The A and B points are lost after this edit opera-  
tion, and will have to be re-entered if they are to  
be used again.  
When restoring recordings that have been  
interrupted, the time shown on the display  
may disappear from the display at the point at  
which the power was cut. This is a normal  
function, and you should not be concerned if  
this happens.You may want to use this as the  
position to divide the new "long" track into two  
before deleting the unwanted part, as  
described above.  
You can cancel the operation at any time in the  
usual way (SHUTTLE wheel counterclock-  
wise, EDIT key or STOP key).  
You cannot move the A-B portion inside itself  
(i.e. the insert point cannot be between the A  
point and the B point).  
If a track or section occupies a part of the disc  
which has been overwritten by a new record-  
ing, the older section cannot be restored—the  
data is no longer available.  
5.8 Restoring erased material  
A track or section erased can be unerased. This is an  
“all or nothing”-type process—all tracks and sections  
deleted are restored, and it is not possible to restore  
only one of these tracks or sections.  
This operation can take place in stop, play ready or  
play mode.  
Press the EDIT key, and turn the DATA dial  
until the display shows:  
In addition, if tracks or sections are restored, the  
audio data only is restored—the titles and recording  
dates are not restored, but a title such as  
RST.001will be automatically given, showing  
that this is a restored track. The tracks restored in a  
single operation start numbering at 001, regardless of  
any other track titles with the same number that were  
on the disc before the operation.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to restore  
deleted data.  
The display may show Not Execute!.  
Here, this means that the disc has no material  
recorded on it which has been erased (there may even  
be no material at all recorded on it).  
This function can also be used in an emergency, if  
recording was taking place, and power to the unit  
was cut off part of the way through the recording  
process. In this event, data on the disc will be  
present, but will not be organized with the TOC and  
will hence be inaccessible. This function may allow  
the data to be accessed after the restore operation has  
been performed.  
5.9 Changing track attributes  
After a track has been restored in the way described  
above, it may have the wrong attribute assigned to it  
(it may be restored as mono when it was originally  
stereo, or vice versa). This function allows you to  
restore the correct attribute.  
However, there are occasions on which this function  
does not restore such data, and the Not  
Execute!message will appear..  
Use theTRACK keys or any other convenient  
method to select the track whose attributes you  
wish to change.  
After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA  
dial until the display shows:  
Tracks and sections of less than 12 seconds  
in length may not be restored.  
5–6 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
5 - Erasing a complete disc  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise. The dis-  
play changes:  
5.11Track and disc title entry  
Track OK ?  
The disc and tracks can be titled. The titles can con-  
sist of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and  
punctuation symbols (as well as Japanese katakana ).  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise once  
again to change the current track from mono to  
stereo or vice versa.  
Each title can be up to 99 characters long, and titles  
too long to fit on the display are scrolled.  
The display will show Now Editing,  
followed by Complete.  
The total number of characters which can be  
included as titles on a disc (disc and track titles) is  
1,792 characters.  
This function may also be used to “un-protect” a  
track if the following message appears at any time in  
the edit mode:  
A computer keyboard (PS/2 compatible) can be  
attached to the MD-801, and used to input titles, or  
titles can be entered, using the procedure described  
below (for keyboard operations, see 6, "Use of a key-  
board with the MD-801").  
This signifies that the track cannot be edited. This is  
software protection, which has been set by an MD  
unit other than an MD-801, and it can be disabled  
using this function in the way described above.  
Titles can be entered in stop (disc titles), play or play  
ready (track titles) mode as well as in the record and  
record ready modes.  
Press the EDIT key and turn the DATA dial  
until the display shows:  
If a track is “unprotected” in this way, it cannot  
be protected again.  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise.  
5.10Erasing a complete disc  
If the MD-801 is in stop mode, the words DISC  
TITLE will light in the display, and you can enter  
the title for the whole disc.  
As well as erasing individual tracks (see 5.3, "Eras-  
ing a track"), it is also possible to erase the entire  
contents of a disc.  
If the MD-801 is in play or play ready mode, or  
record or record ready mode, the words  
TRACK TITLE will light in the display, and  
you can enter the title for the current track.  
After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA  
dial until the display shows:  
The display will change:  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to enter  
this edit menu:  
The underline cursor shows where the character  
will be entered.  
Sure ?  
If you are sure that you want to erase the con-  
tents of the disc, turn the SHUTTLE wheel  
clockwise once more.  
Use the DATA dial to scroll through the symbol  
set. The character set selected initially is the  
lowercase alphabet set, together with numbers  
and punctuation symbols.  
The display will show Now Editing,  
followed by Complete, followed by  
Blank Disc.  
Use the MEMO IN/CAPS key [23] to change  
between lowercase and uppercase characters. If  
uppercase characters are selected, the CAPS  
indicator will light in the display.  
If you want to abort the erase process, use the  
usual methods (SHUTTLE wheel counter-  
clockwise, EDIT key or STOP key).  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to move  
the cursor to the right, and counterclockwise to  
move it to the left. Continuing to hold the  
SHUTTLE wheel away from the center posi-  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–7  
5 - Track and disc title entry  
tion will move the cursor more than one  
Move the cursor to the character following the  
position where a character is to be inserted:  
Koto Sonta  
Continue using the DATA dial and SHUTTLE  
wheel to enter characters, until the title is  
Press the LOC B/INS key [24]. A space will  
appear into which you can enter a character:  
Koto Son_ta  
Koto Sonata_  
5.11.3Changing characters  
To store the title, press the EDIT key. The title  
will scroll across the display if it is too long to  
fit on one line, allowing you to check it.  
If a character has been wrongly entered, you can  
change it by moving the cursor to the character, and  
turning the DATA dial.  
Koto Sonbta  
If the display shows Name Full, it  
means that the character limit for a title (99  
characters) or for a disc (1,792 characters)  
has been exceeded.  
can be corrected by moving the cursor to the b:  
Koto Sonbta  
If a disc has been titled on another MD  
recorder, which permits longer titles than  
those permitted by the MD-801, the titles,  
when edited on the MD-801, are subject to  
the same limitations as those imposed on  
“native” titles.  
and then turning the DATA dial counterclockwise:  
Koto Sonata  
5.11.4Editing existing titles  
If a title has already been entered, for a disc or for a  
track, pressing the EDIT key and turning the DATA  
dial until TITLE ?is displayed allows you to  
edit it, to change characters, and insert or delete char-  
acters as described above.  
5.11.1Deleting characters  
If a character is entered in error, delete it as follows:  
In stop mode, the disc title can be edited.  
Move the cursor under the character to be  
In play mode or play ready mode, the title of the cur-  
rent track can be edited.  
Koto Sonatta  
5.11.5Viewing titles  
Press the LOC A/DEL key [24]. The character  
at the cursor position will be deleted.  
As explained earlier (4.2.16, "Displaying track titles  
during playback"), pressing theTITLE key during  
playback will display the disc title (in stop mode) and  
the current track title (in play or play ready mode).  
Koto Sonata  
5.11.2Inserting characters  
If you have missed out a character, insert a space for  
a new character in the following way:  
If the title is too long to fit in the display, pressing the  
TITLE key once more will scroll it across the  
5–8 TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II  
5 - Track and disc title entry  
The display will change:  
5.11.6Copying disc and track titles  
When two MD-801 units are connected together  
using the optional PW-1XMD serial cable, disc and  
track titles can be copied from one unit (master) to  
the other (slave), as described in 4.3.10, "Track title  
copying together with audio", with the following pro-  
With both units in stop mode, press the CALL  
key [10] on the slave unit.  
The title currently displayed on the master unit  
(in this case, the disc title) is copied to the slave  
After pressing the EDIT key on the slave unit,  
turn the DATA dial until the display shows:  
Track titles can also be copied in this way, as  
well as using the method described in 4.3.10,  
"Track title copying together with audio", as  
long as the master unit is in play or play ready  
Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise.  
If the master MD-801 is in stop mode, the DISC  
TITLE indicator will light in the display, and you  
can copy the title for the whole disc.  
If the master MD-801 is in play or play mode,  
the TRACK TITLE indicator will light in the dis-  
play, and you can copy the title for the current  
TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–9  
Phone: (0422) 52-5082  
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